
498 19 1

Niall P.O.V

"Ugh" I growled in pain my neck hurts and I cant feel my wrist. What going on? What happen?

I was so caught up on my thoughts I didn't even notice the door slamming open.

"Oh looky here charlie,Blondie finally woke up"

I looked up to the sound of the raspy voice and saw a brunette man with blue cold eyes and I got to say he has big damn muscles....

I looked at the nameless man still clueless to why I was here. For what do they want me for? Im nothing speacial im just Niall Horan a boy with blue eyes and dyed blonde here!

What can I say people this days kidnap for fun so there probably letting me go later,right?

"Aye!blonde stop staring at the mirror before it cracks!" I heard the brunette say I cringe at his harsh words and looked away from the mirror that I didn't realise I was looking at. I didn't even know there was a mirror here!

"Hey charlie take this kid up to the room where the other  kid is at" the brunette said. A blonde green eye kid came in the room I was in, the only thing is the boy that I'm pretty sure is named Charlie looks afraid. Even if he did have muscles it looked like he couldn't even hurt a fly.

"H-hi I'm charlie I'm gonna take the hand c-cuff off" charlie said stumbling in some of his words.

I smiled at him kindly even though I wasn't very happy right know cause  come on is not like you would be happy if you where kidnapped! and I'm pretty sure there not doing it for fun anymore!!

He smiled a little sad smile back at me and uncuffed me from the chair.

Oh wow I didn't even notice I was cuffed to a chair and I was sitting in the chair. Charlie grabbed my arm gently and took me to the hall way.

We did some twist and turns till he took me up the stars and there was only one room up there.

He open the door and told me that I needed to go in. So I did because I didn't wanna cuz no trouble I was drained out of energy. " I'll bring you some good later and some for the other kid" Charles last words before he left the room and locked the doors and whispered a "I'm so sorry" before I heard his footsteps going down the stairs.

Then I remembered there's another person in this room with me right know.

"Hello?" I called to see if I can get a answer and I looked around trying to adjust my eyes to the little light there was in this room.

"Hello?" I said again trying to see if there was actually someone else here. I didn't get a answer so I though there was actually no one here then.

I guess charlie and the brunette messed up and the kid is in a different room.

But then I heard rustling on the left side of the room.


I heard a voice say I turned around and saw a boy with green eye red dyed hair messy and spiked around but I got to say it did look good on him.

He also had a lip piercing and a eyebrow piercing he had a few tattoes but what made me frown was that he had a few bruises.


"Wait Michael, as Michael Clifford?!"


(And ya ik michael doesn't have a lip piercing but this is just a fanfic!)

Hey guys sorry I didn't update yesterday I feel asleep and woke up late and I needed to go back to sleep again. When I came from school I was so tired! I almost feel asleep on the floor! But of course my alarm woke me up for some reason.

So I updated today :) I hope you guys liked the chapter:)

I'll update on Friday well I'll try lol bye!


One Direction Bullied A VampireDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora