Meeting again

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Bella P.O.V

Can it really be him?

"Luke?"I asked confused, I haven't seen him in years! Since he moved away we lost contact.

"Alex?"Luke whispered shocked, i jumped over the counter being the idiot I am and tripping on to his arms. "Oh my god Luke, I haven't seen you in 3 years man" I said with a huge smile on my face, and it still feels fake. "I know Alex I've missed you too!"Luke said hugging me tighter.

I let go of the hug and looked around "Where are the lads?"Confused at where the other idiots were.
"They're in the car, they are coming- OH look! hide they're coming in" Luke told me.
I hid under the counter, making sure I could still hear them clearly.

I heard the little bell from the door ring meaning the rest of the boys had comed inside. I couldn't stop smiling I finally get to see my old best friends again. 'What if they don't like me anymore? Ofcourse they won't. Why would they?'

"What happened Luke? You look too happy for my liking" I heard Calum say "Why don't you look for yourself" I heard Luke say with excitement. "Alex!" I heard Luke yell.
But I stood in my spot, not moving at all. I couldn't, I couldn't do it
They hate me. Ofcourse they do.


I need to stop, his calling for me!

I stood up fastly faking another smile today, 'they hate you' a little voice said in my head.

"Hi guys!" I smiled 'wow you're ugly'
"Alex! Oh my god!" Michael yelled at the top of his lungs, 'wow he really does hate you'
"Michael! Calum! Ashton! You idiots come here!" I ran up to them all of us gathering in on a group hug, I happily could hug them all I want, without them seeing all my bruises and cuts from the beaten earlier since Perrie handed me a hoodie and some extra black skinny jeans so I was fully covered and she did my make up so nothing was noticeable.

"Cupcakes are read-ohh am I lik-"

"Perrie come over here! This are the idiots that I talked to you about before my childhood best friends
Luke Hemmings
Calum Hood
Michael Clifford
And last but not least
Ashton Irwin"
I smiled telling her and showing her who they were, I'm so glad she finally gets to meet them.

"Oh wow they are all so handsome! Hello Im Perrie!" Perrie said waving about as fast as Maniac like her could.
"Well this isn't new" I smirked while the guys laughed. Perrie blushed a crimson red making herself look at the floor and then back at me pouting "hey don't be a meanie!"

"Aw okay come on let's have some fun we need to close up soon anyways!"


The rest of the day was amazing, Perrie, the boys and I spend it eating junk food and taking orders of what was left of the small group that came in minutes before we saw the guys. The boys made jokes with the customers and made many laugh while taking orders, I think this boys would make one hell of great workers here, and that's true.

But I couldn't get the feeling out of my mind.
The feeling that something good but at the same time bad was going to happen.

I wonder why?


Heyyyyyyyyyyy my little carrots hope u liked this chapter I know, I know it was short. But it needed to get out there well bye GOOD NIGHT LOVES!!!! I'll try to update tomorrow. Please comment/vote/ and fav it will mean a lot.

Till next time my little carrots!!!!


One Direction Bullied A VampireDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora