Chapter 1

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High school. For some, it's all about getting high and going to dumb parties. Not for me. For me, high school was all about getting good grades and focusing on my future, like getting into a good college... A great college, I might add. I was the good girl, the perfectionist. That was until I met James Yates. That's when everything changed. I'm Julia Peterson, and for all of you who don't know, and this is my story.








It was midway through the first semester, and I already had my own little group of friends. Jenn and Maddie were a little more like me, smart and unsocial. Caroline, Lisa and Ciara were... A different story. They were the partiers, the cool ones in our group I guess. We always thought they would leave us for the "popular group." But thankfully, they never did.

Everyday was perfect, we all were practically sisters. Nothing could break us apart. Not even guys. That was until today.


"Hey, Julia, can we talk?" Asked a tall figure from behind me.

I was suddenly pulled away from my group of friends and a foreign feeling filled my stomach as my friends winked and giggled.

Why was James Yates, the coolest and hottest guy in school asking ME to talk?

"Ok, listen." He said in his raspy voice. "I've been meaning to ask you this for a long time.." I struggled to look him in the eyes and bit my lip, letting him continue.

"Will you... Go out with me?"

What? I must be dreaming. How was James, one of the populars, asking a loser like ME out?

"Uhhhh," I opened my mouth but no words came.

I looked back at my friends who were mouthing the words. "Say YES!"

I looked back at James who was crossing his fingers and shutting his eyes tight.


He let out a breath he had been apparently keeping in and smiled, "how about you come over to my place today after school.. You know... If you're up for it?"

Jesus those cheekbones. And those eyes... That a-

"Or not," he said as I had obviously waited too long to answer.

"Oh.. Um, yeah sure, I have nothing better to do right?" I nervously giggle.

He winked and swiftly walked away.

My friends ran over in excitement.

"Oh my god, Julia!" Said Ciara grinning.

"Did you just realize that you are James Yates' GIRLFRIEND??" Squealed Caroline as she jumped up and down, making her blonde hair bounce.

The words repeated in my head over and over again.

"Wow... Why me?" I ask, trembling.

"I don't know, but who cares! You're sooo lucky!" Says Lisa.

"Yeah! Julia Yates!!"

They all joined in and laughed.

"Shut up," I rolled my eyes. I looked back in James' direction and he looked back and winked as if he was reading my mind. I smiled and walked to first period as a few fireworks went out throughout my body.

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