Chapter 12

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Hey guys! Sorry for not updating in a while!! It's just that I've been so busy with basketball and school and break and stuff and I know I shouldn't have an excuse! Sorry guys! :( I also really want to thank you guys for over 900 reads!!! Thank you guys soooo much!! Anyways, OOH what happened to Ciara? Find out below!! I've got a new update just for you guys so here it is! (Btw it's only the first part of the update) Hope you like it, stay bisexual ;)









James' POV:

"You really did it this time, you fucking dick!" I throw him a punch but he somehow stops me and knees me in the gut.

I am soon slammed against the wall with is face dangerously close.

"You think you can just come over here and beat me up like you're some hulk? You know I'm stronger than you, you fucking pussy," his grip tightens against me.

"You're in so much trouble," I manage to say through my teeth.

He finally withdraws and leaves me panting on the ground.

He chuckles, then speaks, "See, that's where you're wrong,"


"I'm not the one in trouble, but you are," he chuckles again and I watch him disappear into the woods and I try to regain my strength but fail intensely.

Julia's POV:

"Will she, will she be okay?" I ask, trembling as the nurse nears us.

I nervously look at Austin who is nearly crying.

"Yes, but she lost a lot of blood and is still out cold. There were actually some sort of teeth marks in her skin, and we're not sure what would make a mark so deep. We are lucky that she survived," she nearly whispers.

"This is all my fault, if I hadn't made such a big deal about everything she would have been right by my side," Austin says with just as much watery eyes as I have.

I still don't know what they were fighting about but that didn't matter right now.

"How long until she'll be okay?" I ask the nurse.

"A month, maybe more, there is no prediction when she will be out of her coma,"

I bite my cheek and sigh as another tear slides down my face. I'm not a cryer myself, but at this point I just can't stop.

My best friend will be trapped in here for a month. I'm just so thankful she made it and I know Austin is too, though he still thinks this is all his fault.

"Thank you, for everything," I say to the nurse, "I better go," I say, getting up from my seat.

I approach the door, grip the handle and I twist the knob slowly.

"Stay?" I hear Austin almost whisper.

I am taken a bit by surprise, but Ciara is my best friend and I'm willing to stay as long as I have to, my mom can wait.


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