Chapter 5

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A/N: hey guys I'm sorry if these chapters are short but as I get more reads I will make them longer. MKay love you Stay bisexual my friends

When we got to the huge frat house that had teenagers practically piling out of it, my jaw dropped.

I've never been to a real party before... I mean, not like this one that is.

When Ciara got out of the car I immediately noticed her tight black dress that was way too short.

When she caught me staring she smiled, "you like it?"

"Where's the one you got with me?" I smile and she laughs.

"Oh that hideous thing! I just bought that so my mom would let me go to the party,"

We all laugh and Ciara playfully smiles.

"Julia, you still haven't told us," asked Lisa getting out of the car.

"Tell you what?" I ask, confused.

"How your date with James went? Probably amazing," said Caroline smirking.

My insides churn and that feeling in my stomach comes back.

"Come on guys! The party's over here!" Said Ciara who was already by the front steps.

As we stepped inside, the room was full of intoxicated teenagers and blasting music.

Ciara vanished before I could take it all in, and so did Caroline and Lisa.

I sighed and sat on the couch.

I am handed a drink but I give it back.

The guy who gave it to me rolled his eyes and walked away.

I sigh and decide to go to the bathroom to get some space.

I can't find it anywhere, so I go up the stairs eager to get away from all of this craziness.

It's a little quieter up here, but I dare not to think what people are doing in the bedrooms in the hallway.

I find one bedroom that is unlocked with no one inside it. I eyed the balcony that had an amazing view, and I couldn't just walk away.

Ciara is probably somewhere dancing on a table with a random guy, this is her kind of scene. Not mine.

"Not your scene?" Asked a voice by the door as if they were reading my mind.

I turn around and frown as I see James in the hallway. When did he get that tattoo on his arm? I must not have noticed it. Why do I care?

"What are you doing here?" I snap.

He chuckles, "I live here,"

"No you don't,"

His confused face quickly vanished as he nodded in understanding. "Oh, I see. You must think I'm James,"


"I'm his twin, Brooks,"

"I... Twin? He didn't say anything about a twin,"

He walk over to me and handed me his red cup.

"I don't drink," I say.

"Neither do I, that's water,"

My brow curves but I do notice that my throat is dry.

I take a sip and hand it back to him.

"Thanks," I say, shyly.

He leans his elbows on the balcony and gazes out into the sky.

His Tshirt doesn't cover up his toned arms that I can't stop staring at.

"Don't feel bad, this isn't my scene either," he looks at my me for a second and smiles.

"You're not much like your brother,"

He chuckles and his one dimple shows out and he couldn't look any cuter. "Ya, I know, he can be a real prick at times,"

"I couldn't agree with you better,"

He laughs again, which makes me smile.

"So how come I haven't seen you around?" I ask curiously.

"Well, I don't like the idea of public schools so I go to a catholic school."

"Oh, cool," I smile, and he smiled back.

"And the reason you didn't see me if you had gone to James' house before is because thats my moms house, this here is my dad's house." He said, patting the balcony fence.

I smiled and I found myself starting to find interest in Brooks a lot.

He is the polar opposite of.. I don't even want to say his name.

I am relieved he goes to an all boys school, so he doesn't have girls practically throwing themselves at him like James at my school. Not that I care about James.

I scold myself for my jealousy, but I can't help it. Brooks is just so... Perfect.

After we talked for a while, it was dark.

Tonight was actually ok, I haven't thought about James once since talking to Brooks.

I eye him staring at me.

"What?" I ask, getting close to him, too close.

"I don't know... You're just,"

"Just..." By now we are eye to eye.

I stare into his eyes and then to his lips.

'I don't care, I don't care-'

I am snapped out of my thoughts as his lips gently mold into mine.

I kiss back without thinking and the taste of his lips are amazing.

"What the hell Brooks?" Asked someone by the door, breaking the moment.

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