//Can i sit here?\\

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I walk into the giant building, excited for what's to come. A smile spreads across my face as I look around. I love it here at the library. I love all the books, I love seeing people read and chat. I love it! Call me a nerd or whatever I just love books and libraries make me happy.
I walk to the librarian, Mrs.Jones, and smile. She looks up and returns the smile. "Hi darling. It's nice to see you hear today!" She said cheerfully. "Hi Mrs.Jones, it's nice coming here and seeing you too! I love this library so much!" I exclaim "oh I know you do sweetie. Now go over there and look at the books. We just got tons of new books sent in and I think you'll like a few of them." She says, pointing to one of the book shelves. "Ok, thank you! I'll see you tomorrow" I reply, waving bye to her because I know once I get a book, I leave and read it forever. "Bye darling. See you later"
I found a book that sounded really interesting so i took it, sat down in an empty chair, and started reading.

I was intensely reading the book until I felt a tap on my shoulder. I slightly jumped, a little frightened because I was so into the book. "Hi, um sorry if I scared you I just wanted to know if anyone was sitting here?" A young, handsome boy asked, smiling while pointing at the chair next to me. "Oh it's ok, and no, no one is sitting here" I smile back. "May I?" He questions again "of course" I giggle. He was beautiful. His eyes, his smile, his hair. He was truly breathtaking. "My names Wesley.. but you can call me Wes" he extends his hand smiling. I smile back, our hands connecting as I reply "Hello Wesley, I'm Nicole." We both were interested in our books so we started reading after introducing ourselves.
I put the book in my bag and get up, pushing my chair in. "Well Wesley, I have to go. It was nice meeting you" I say standing beside him. "It was nice meeting you too, Nicole" he smiles. As I'm about about to walk away, he begins to talk "hey Nicole, I would love to get to know you better. May I put my number into your phone, and yours into mine?" "Yea sure" I say handing him my phone as he hands me his. We give each other our phones back and I smile. "Well I'll text you later Wes. Again, it was nice meeting you" "ok, you do that and it was a pleasure meeting you also. Hopefully we can hang out soon" he replies "fingers crossed" I giggle and he laughs. "Bye Wes" I say, waving my hand. "Bye Nicole" he says back smiling. Me, being the nerd i am, just got a cute boys number... Now that's amazing.

Hey guys, it's me. I want to try and make my chapters better so don't worry if you think they're bad now, hopefully they'll gradually get better. Also, if this makes no sense, sorry. It's two in the morning and I'm updating this because I don't feel like sleeping lol. This will remain unedited until sometime tomorrow if it's bad... ok, hope you guys are doing great! Love you, bye babes 💕

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