Chapter Thirteen

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***Liv's POV***

My muscles already ache before starting my workout but this is how I clear my head.

I jog on the treadmill looking straight ahead, focusing on a poster on the wall across from me of a couple who obviously work out together.

"Yeah, like people actually look like that," Vanessa says rolling her eyes, making me lose my concentration.

I don't say anything trying to get my mind set back on zombie mode. If I don't focus, my brain starts racing and I'm lost in thoughts of tattoos and tongues.

"What's the deal, Liv?" she asks out of breath while speed walking on the treadmill next to me. "You've barely said a word since we've gotten here"

"Sorry, I'm just a little tired. That's all," I say without looking at her.

Vanessa's can read me like a book. I know just one glance into my eyes and she going to see everything that happened like there's a projector screen in my eye balls.

"Look at me," she demands.


"Liv, look at me"


"I swear on all the rock hard abs in this place, if you don't look at me I'm going to scream out that you need to stop touching me inappropriately in the locker room"

I whip my head looking at her "Please don't do that to me again!" I beg.

She instantly searches my eyes.


"OH MY GOD! YOU HAD SEX!" she yells.

Everyone who doesn't have head phones on look in our direction and I want to die.

Why am I friends with this girl?

"Thank you so much for that," I say sarcastically.

"Was it Devon? How was it?! He's a freak, isn't he. I can tell by looking at him," she rambles on totally ignoring the fact she just embarrassed the shit out of me.

"Please stop talking"

"Nope. Not until I get some details. And I'm not afraid to yell again"

"Ughhh fine. Yes, it was Devon. Yes, it was incredible and the man is an absolute freak. OK??!!"

She smiles wide and I know that isn't the end of the conversation.


She demands all the details as we drive to her house to get ready for tonight. I told her she can come over but only if she doesn't embarrass me.

She still will.

We both take showers and pick out our outfits. Of course, I borrow a skirt from her without telling her the reason why.

She dresses to impress Blake as always. She loves the way he follows her like a puppy dog.

"Grab your bathing suit, too. It's suppose to be nice tonight so maybe we will hit the pool," I suggest as we gather our things to head out.

"Oh man, I get to see Devon and your brother half naked?!?" she wiggles her eyebrows grabbing one of her skimpy bikinis out of her dresser.

"Gross, don't talk about my brother," I joke.

"Let's get this party started," Vanessa says and I can almost see the mischief she has in her eyes.

Tonight's going to be epic.

I can feel it.

***Devon's POV***

I try to focus on the game me and Blake are playing but I can't get this girl out of my head.

"Oh shit! Head shot!" Blake yells, completely demolishing me in Halo again.

"You are off your game today, buddy," he laughs.

"Yeah, I guess I am. I think I need a drink," I say getting up and walking toward the basement stairs. "I'll be right back"

I'm searching their bar in the corner of the living room trying to decide what I want to drink when I hear giggles coming up to the front door from outside.

I hear a hand start to turn the knob but it stops.

"I'm serious, Vanessa. Please don't embarrass me. I really like this guy. It's not just a sex thing," I hear Liv ask her friend through the door.

I smile at the sound of those words because I feel the same way.

"Yeah whatever, I'm sure those were your thoughts when he was smacking your ass," her friend says while swinging the door open.

I spit out all the drink I just took into my mouth and they both stop in their tracks to look at me.

"Fuck, Vanessa! It took you literally a half a second!" Liv smacks Vanessa's arm.

I stand there cracking up finding the whole thing incredibly funny.

"What?!? How did I know he would be standing there alone like some kind of serial killer?!"

"Sorry," Liv says with a red face.

"You should be sorry," I say walking towards her. " You'll pay for that later," I grin standing in front of her.

Her eyes dilate and her breathing quickens. I love how her thighs always start rubbing together.

And she's got a short little skirt on..

I look over at Vanessa and her mouth is hanging open. I close it for her with my hand.

"Nice to meet you, Vanessa," I smile holding my hand out.

She mindlessly shakes my hand while staring at me.

"You are so lucky, Liv," she says without taking her eyes off of me.

I laugh and look back at her. She's shaking her head and mouthing 'I'm so sorry' at me.

Good thing Blake didn't witness this.

***Thanks for the reads and votes!! 😘***

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