Im NOT Going To Fall For You (maybe)

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I arranged which of the extra rooms who would sleep in. I've already established that they wouldn't be sleeping in our rooms, since they're stuffed with Mindless Behavior. I gave them the bedrooms downstairs.

Prodigy got the one closer to the kitchen, coincidently.

Rayray got the one across from the bathroom.

Princeton was across the hall from them, and by the stairs.

And Roc Royal's room was next to Princeton's.

I was ready.

Well, the house was.

I still didn't know how I was going to tackle the Roc Problem.

I ran upstairs, played some music, and when nothing came in mind,

I decided just to ignore him.

But I would still hang out with the others, because hopefully, they didn't do anything wrong.

As I was thinking, the doorbell rung.

I ran downstairs, accidently pushing one of the housekeepers.

I stopped, apologized, and ran for the door.

I fixed my hair and shirt, when I realized- I was in my sweats and an old tee. Ulch.

But it was too late to change, so I just opened the door.

Nobody was standing outside.

I was getting ready to close the door,

when I saw Nina's magazine on the floor.

I picked it up, and walked in.

Mom always told the mailman to actually ring the doorbell whenever Nina's magazines come, so she could see it as soon as possible.

I dropped the magazine on the table, and raced upstairs to change.

I came down wearing my cute short shorts, with a gold metallic and black croptop that said "LOVE". I wore my hair down, and put on a little eye liner and mascara. I topped it all off with a hint of lipgloss, and I was good.

The little glitters from my shirt kept falling onto my legs, and my legs became sparkly, and I would keep trying to brush it off.

I went to go ask Madeline for her opinion, but she was out grocery shopping.

So, I ran back up to my bed and listened to Mindless Behavior....


Roc Royal and Princeton seemed eager to get to Denver already, whereas Prodigy was still upset about having to leave Sahana.

Keisha was right, he did really love her,

but that was his thing.


And sometimes he loved too fast.

Or too much.

And it ends up breaking his heart.

He was eager to pull out his phone and text her, but that would only remind him of what had just happened.

He took a deep breath, and prepared to calm down.

It was going to be okey.

He was going to see her again.

RayRay was enjoying the Montez rides.

He thought it was fun.

Roc and Princeton wanted to get over this insanely long trip, and get there already.

Keisha didn't seem to have any opinion, other than everyone's safety.

Finally, the driver called out to them.

DRIVER: We're here!


I heard the noises of people shouting and something hitting the ground. I looked through my window and saw the boys and Keisha unloading their bags.

I ran downstairs and yanked the door open for them.

RayRay and Princeton walked in carrying their stuff,

and Prodigy followed.

Roc walked in, lookoing very fine, as usual.

He didn't look me in the eyes, which was relieving to me because I was going to be drained of strength soon.

His hat tilted the the side a little bit, when he picked up his heavy bag, and I had an urge to get up and fix it for him.

Keisha walked in after Roc, giving me a hug.

Keisha: Lexi! Oh darling, you're awesome! You got us all the way over here! Great job! And, oh wow, you're very pretty.

Me: *giggle* thanks

Keisha: Thank you so much for all you've done. The boys and I owe you a huge thank you.

Me: It-it really is no problem.

RayRay: Where can we put our bags?

I lead the boys each to their own room.

Roc's was the fartherest from where we were standing, so I showed him to his room last.


Roc tried to pounceback and try to get me again,

too bad that's not gonna happen.

He gave me his innocent smile,looking perfect.

Roc: Hey Lexi,

He said it so seductively.

I rolled my eyes and left the room.

Message to Roc- Im NOT Going To Fall For You (maybe)

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