FML *not a chapter*

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Im soooo sorry for never every updating ever..

You can hate me

or stop reading this stupid story

i dont even care anymore

But I do have an excuse,

for the past few days, ive been busy with school and my video entry for the "Going Mindless" contest. I had my teachers help me and everyone in the school was counting on me to win. I felt like I was at the top of the world and I was so sure I was gonna win yesterday.

Then, last night, I was on Youtube and I ran to my room to get my earphones, when I tripped on my little brother's shoe in the dark hallway. I screamed and shouted. It hurt like HELL ! Today, I couldn't go to school, even though I really wanted to. We had a lab in Home Ec today that I really didn't want to miss. On top of that, it was a pretty day. But NOOO ! I had to the doctor the next morning, so I stayed at home. All night I tried to sleep, but I couldn't. The pain was too hard to bare. My mom put some Pain Reliving Cream on it and wrapped it with an ace bandage. It still hurt. I took a pain relief pill. It still hurt. This morning, we went to the doctor who checked it and sent us to the the Radiology place where I got an X-ray. Turns out, I sprained my ankle, so now i'm stuck with this ace bandage on my ankle for a week or two.

When I came home, I was rushing to the computer to see if my teacher emailed me. He was supposed to get an email when the video was posted. His message only had one sentence. "Nothing yet, hope you feel better." The contest ended 23 minutes ago ! All I could think was, HOW THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO FEEL BETTER IF THE MOFO WEBSITE WONT TAKE MII HARDWORK !! I couldn't help it. I started to cry.  I read a little bit of the Hunger Games (my friends have been trying to get me to read it), then I decided to go on Facebook to get my mind off of it. I was talking to my friend Meghan when something else went wrong. The keyboard began typing random letters when i'd just press one button. It was the problem i'd had months ago, and I'd been SOOOO happy when it was fixed. And it came back. On the same day where everything else was going wrong. I groaned and began screaming again. Then, the card i'd been searching for fluttered to the ground. On the front, it said "INVITED". It was the invitation to my friend's birthday party. Tommorow. Her party was tommorow. There was no way I could go, so I began screaming and crying again. I hate today. So much. I am just lucky I can use my mom's laptop to explain this to you.

I don't blame you for calling me any names,

because I lied.

"Daily Updates" ?

Thats a damn lie.

Im sorry.

Im just having a terrible, terrible day.

*hurt ankle

*no entry for the contest

*no birthday party

*jacked up laptop

*no show for school


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