Going To Milan

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I woke up to my Skype ringtone going off. I moaned and tossed over to answer it. Nina came up on my laptop and she had a devilish look on her face. I raised my eyebrow, still laying down. 

Nina: Today.

Me: Huh?

Nina: I got you guys planned to leave today.

I shot up from my bed almost instantly.


Nina: Oh don't worry. You got 2 hours.

Me: WHAT!?!?

Nina: Just to give you a headsup. Have fun, babe ! See you in a while..

And she caught me. Because, I was about to freak out on her, but she quickly pressed the "End Call"  button, and she was gone. I plopped back onto my bed, and screamed into my pillow. I decided to get back up, and went downstairs to go tell everyone the news. 

I saw RayRay and Princeton chilling downstairs on the couch, and Keisha sitting with them watching "Are You Smarter Than A Fifth Grader?".

Keisha: That dumbass! It's Nebraska!

TV: Sorry, the answer is Iowa. 

Princeton and RayRay turned to look at Keisha. She raised her eyebrow, daring them to say something. Apparently, RayRay didn't get the message because 2 seconds later, he began making the loser sound.


Him and Princeton began bursting out laughing, until Keisha got up.

Keisha: You wanna go there? Cause you know I don't play that!

Instantly, RayRay and Princeton stopped laughing. 

RayRay: No ma'am.

Keisha sat back down, mumbling "That's what I thought".

I walked up to them and just let it out, not wanting to beat around the bush.

Me: Guys, the only time Nina could get us over to Milan was in 2 hours!

Keisha: WHAT? I know I told you as soon as possible but the paparazzi are still searching 2 counties away! And it would take them a while to get past all your parent's security!

Me: I know, but that's what she said.

Princeton: But what about Prod and Sahana?

Me: Uhmm.. I think I could just call Jared and get him to drop them off here as soon as possible.

Princeton: Jared?

Me: Our best chauffer.

Princeton: Ah...

Keisha: Alright, Princeton- go get your stuff packed and ready to go. RayRay- do the same, and tell your girlfriend to be ready and come by here when she's done.

RayRay: Got it.

Princeton: Done.

Keisha: Go!

The guys ran over to their rooms getting their things packed.

Keisha: Imma go do the same.

Me: Kay, let's hurry. Imma go call Jared.

Keisha: Perfect.

We all ran to our rooms, and I made sure to call Jared because we needed Prod and Sahana to be over here, pronto. The distance over here is more than an hour, but I'm sure Jared could bring them over here faster.

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