Chapter 22

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Luna sang as she picked flowers. Not aware of anything as she sat by the little river.

Gwyn observed the girl and turned to the queen.

"Shes half shadowhunter?"
"Shes to young to have been
"Oh shes trained I know she is. We faeries are fast learners and natural born warriers." The queen spoke.

The queen ordered her faerie to take one of the weapons belt they had taken from Jace and Alec and they placed it on the ground next to Luna who didn't seem to notice.

"Go ahead, try her out." The seelie queen smiled.

Gwyn ordered some of his men to get the girl. When they pulled her it took a few seconds for Luna to react.

She yelled and kicked her feet grabbing the weapons belt. They let go of her and she attached the belt fastening it quickly. She reached for a seraph blade and yelled Emanuel.

They lunged at her and she jumped slashing rolling on the ground making a gash on her own foot.

"Luna!" Jace yelled.

They tossed her back and she grunted dropping the blade. She reached for the smaller daggers and tossed them. She ran foward and brought the daggers down on her attackers. They yelled backing up when Gwyn on his horse put himself between the girl and his own.

"Quite great, indeed!" laughed Gwyn.

Luna noticed Alec and Jace being held up by faeries and grabbed her seraph blade running foward.

"Alec! Jace!" She yelled.

Gwyn intercepted her with his horse and Luna stumbled back. He yelled orders to disarm the girl and Luna quickly ran forward sliding under the horse and tried to outrun the horse.

"Luna!" Alec and Jace yelled.

She fell the seraph blade flying out her hand as one of the hunters tightened the rope on her feet. She cried out reaching for the blade.

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