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"I'm sorry Maya. We have an image to uphold." My mom apologized while my dad just stood there annoyed with my attitude.

"That's not fair! I don't want to get married!" I yelled.

"You will do as we say Maya and that is final."


The life of a princess is hard. I would know. I'm Princess Maya Hart. Daughter of King Kermit and Queen Katy. Heir to the throne of Illéa.

Or as my father likes to say disgrace to the family name. He hated the fact that mom was only able to have a daughter. He needed an heir and all he got was me. I was a disappointment since birth. It was why he was so desperate to marry me off. When I messed up all of the alliances he had planned, he decided to hold a selection. At least then we would have the favor of the people.

My father met my mom during his selection. She was a six and he was ashamed of her. Now it was my turn to tarnish his perfect name.

I didn't find out until an episode of The Report. I was not impressed and the usual after party was replaced by a very heated argument with my father.

Now here I was getting ready to pull the names of the men who would soon be vying for my affection.

Shawn Hunter, the host of The Report did his introduction, spoke to my parents then all eyes turned to me.

"The moment of truth. Who are the 35 lucky guys? "

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