16-Wonderful Wednesday with Josh

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I woke up in the morning and got changed for my day with Josh. Even though Billy had made me feel like crap, I had a feeling spending time with Josh would make me feel better. 

Josh arrived at my room and thankfully took me to a beautiful breakfast feast. I had forgotten how hungry I was until I saw the arrangement he had prepared.

"You might be my new favorite." I teased as I took a piece of bacon off the tray to eat before I loaded up my plate.

"And here I was thinking I already was." He chuckled. We sat down at a small table usually reserved for tea. It made the morning meal much more intimate. 

"How are you feeling? I know being away from home can be quite difficult." I asked him in between mouthfuls of exquisitely cooked pancakes. 

"I do miss my family but I've always wanted to travel." He began. "I got to do a bit of it with modelling and my studies so I have spent months away from home." Travelling was something I had longed for when I was younger, desperate to escape my father. 

"And you enjoy it?" 

"I've been fortunate enough to see beauty all over the country and world. However, few things can compare to yours." I rolled my eyes at his attempt at a compliment.

"Is that the best you've got, Boing?" I shook my head in mock disappointment. 

"Harsh, I thought I was doing well." Josh pretended to be hurt but the smile did not leave his lips. He had such a good smile. 

"Do you usually have company when you travel?" I continued with my prior line of questioning. 

"Sometimes. My parents went with me at first. Now that I'm older I usually go alone. My niece came with me a few times."

"Ah yes, Riley, right?" He nodded, smiling because I remembered. "I hope to meet her." 

"Someday." He promised but I wasn't sure if that was a promise he could make. 

"Someday." I agreed. I held all the cards in our relationship. If we were two people meeting on the street I had no doubt that I'd be the one chasing after him while he barely gave me a second look. But here everything was different. I was a princess and he was fighting for my hand. It felt surreal in this moment as I took in his appearance. "So what would married life with Josh Matthews look like? Besides breakfast." I teased. 

"I think its my turn to ask a question, your Highness." he pointed out. 

"Ask away." I shrugged, savouring more of the meal in front of me. 

"What do you believe is the most important part of a relationship?" Growing up I was never exposed to a solid relationship. My parents barely tolerated each other and the lords and ladies we met in passing all pretended to be proper and perfect. My ideals of relationships were built off what I had seen in movies. And even then a lot of them seemed too cringey.

I thought about the answers I could give. Honesty or communication. Romance. Intimacy...sex? 

"Adventure." I answered before I could even process what word had come out of my mouth. Josh smiled and for a moment it felt like he could really see me. "Keep looking at me." I blurted out, a slight blush on my cheeks. 

"If I could, I'd never stop." Josh was almost too charming for his own good. He reminded me of the heart throbs in movies. Perfect and ready to sweep me off my feet at a moments notice. I felt myself leaning closer to him, despite the table between us. He met me half way placing a sweet kiss on my lips. He cupped my cheek, deepening the kiss for a moment before pulling away.

"What else do you have planned for today?" I wondered as we finished our breakfast. 

"I figured we could play it by ear." He shrugged, holding out his hand for me. It was strange. Everyone else had planned extravagant days to let me get to know them or to woo me but Josh didn't plan. There was something intriguing about his carefree nature. He held out his hand for me. "Shall we?" 

I took it and we walked out of the room together, straight outside. We explored the gardens and the surrounding gardens, talking about everything and nothing. He told me about his family and I told him about mine. We exchanged stories about the crazy people we had met through travelling and hosting events at the castle. Josh held onto my hand the whole afternoon and I had to admit, I liked the feeling. There was something comforting about him being there the whole time. Something secure about his grip. Like no matter what happened he wouldn't leave me. 

After spending hours outside, we ended up in one of the lounges, playing a board game. It wasn't how I expected the night to go but it was nice doing something normal. 

"There are two paths. Which one do we pick?" I asked him. He contemplated it for a second before meeting my eyes.

"Long game?" I bit my lip to hold back the smile.

"Are you sure?" 

"I'm sure. Maya, I'm in it for the long game." 

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