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"i'm sorry-" faint voices rang in jimin's head as he grabbed the nurse rather tightly and shook her. "but he seemed fine! he was breathing and talking to me and-!"

"jimin, face it!... he's gone" jungkook shouted as jimin shoved him off. "no he's fucking not, let me see him!"

"ma'am, please" jimin begged as the lady sighed then nodded, she stepped aside as jimin was the only one to enter, his eyes blurred at the sight of a blanket covering a body.

he slowly walked closer as his fingers glided against the soft blanket, he shakily  grabbed the top of the blanket before pulling it down to see.... nothing.






the younger male was the only one with him, where did he go?

as jimin tried running towards the door, it felt as if it was only getting farther.

then yoongi was shown on the mirror as jimin tried to look away, it was if someone was holding him still with his eyes wide open as he watched yoongi get beaten.

"p-please.... stop"

"you're a fucking disgrace to this family, and then you leave me... what kind of shit face does that"

"i-i thought you died... i'm sorry, i love you, i really do"

who is this person and why are they hurting yoongi...

"you're just weak... and pathetic"

the stranger kicked yoongi harshly as he pulled the younger male up by his hair, and slapped him.

"i've been alone since then, and i see you've turned into a gay fuck"

"h-hyung please"

who are you?! 


jimin tried to shout, but it felt as if he was being choked.

"he'll never love a shit like you"

"... I know"


"if you wanna be a gay fuck, i'll show you the pain. get on all fours"


"you fucking deaf? hands and knees, i'll show you what it's like"

everything went blank after as jimin cried in the corner, all he could hear was skin slapping as yoongi tried to shout for help, but his words came out like whispers.


"hyung, you've been silent for about three hours straight... three hours? you've never been silent for that long unless something is bothering you hyung... what's wrong?" jungkook whispered as he sat next to the older male, trying to rub his back as comfort. 

no sound or movement was made from the older male until a doctor came out, causing jimin to jump out of his seat.

"are you park jimin?" he nodded as the doctor sighed and showed him a small smile. "he's alright now, just... he still has a glint of trauma in his facial expressions and he can't speak due to a damage in his vocal cords, but that should heal up soon if he tries not to speak for about 3 to 4 weeks."

jimin smiled from ear to ear as he realized that the entire thing before was just a nightmare.

"thank you doctor nam." jimin whispered as he bowed multiple times at the older male, earning a small smile as he stood next to the door so that the younger male could enter.

"yoongi..?" jimin whispered as he entered the room, the older male quickly wiped his tears, but to his display, jimin saw. "jim-"

"hyung, don't speak... you could permanently damage your vocal cords." jimin whispered as he engulfed the older male into a hug, he heard silent sobs. jimin just sighs before caressing the older male's bruised yet stained cheeks before letting their foreheads touch as he laid in the small bed next to the older male.

"we received your videos." jimin whispered as yoongi reached out for the note pad and pen on the side. thankfully, the doctor knew an interaction would soon spew.

everyone hates me now, right..

jimin shook his head as he looked around. "we're all actually thankful that you told each of us the truth, although i do believe that taehyung and jungkook have broken up.." he whispered as he immediately closed his mouth, he could see the sadness in yoongi's eyes.

my fault..

"no,no,no, yoongi... you did the right thing. plus you care about kookie too, and what taehyung had been doing was wrong, very wrong.." jimin reassured as yoongi shrugged.

how bout you... did you see yours?

the younger male let out an awkward chuckle as he rubbed the back of his neck. "h-hyung, as i ran out... i stepped on the cd and broke it." he whispered as the older male gave him a small smile, yet winced at the pain.

tch, clumsy

"hyung!" jimin playfully shouted as he chuckled at yoongi's words, they both stayed silent as they looked at one another before yoongi turned around to quickly write something, hiding it from jimin. "why can't i see..."

as yoongi turned around, he shakily held up the notepad as he covered his face, not wanting the other male to see his tinted pink cheeks.

can i kiss you? >_<

jimin's face as well turned pink as he slowly nodded, yoongi grinned before slowly inching closer, they both stared at one another... not wanting the moment to end. soon enough yoongi's chapped lips finally made contact with jimin's soft lips as they felt sparks burst within them, they held onto one another as if their life had depend on it.

sadly they had to stop as jimin felt as if things were getting heated, he slowly pulled away, seeing yoongi's eyes still close with his mouth agape, jimin giggled. yoongi slowly opened his eyes before quickly writing something.

so you didn't watch your video?

jimin shook his head.

so you don't know what it was about, or what i said?

he shook his head once again.


"hyung you can't talk-!"

"i love you." yoongi finished as the younger male remained silent, yoongi felt as if he could break down. a sudden huge of regret came as tears brimmed his eyes until five specific words made him freeze as the younger male opened his mouth.

"yoongi... i love you too."



HAHA out of no where, sorry.


updated on 12-03-16: i was supposed to post this October 16 :") that was the original ending date IM SORRY :") and actually the sequel is up too, but to surprise people it's been up even since before this ended. I posted it 2 chapters before this ending. The sequel is "Letters from 3:05 A.M." so if you had read that :") whoopsss heh.

thirteen reasons (min yoongi bts) #bangbangtanawards2017Where stories live. Discover now