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You were walked towards your science class when someone magically appeared in front of you. You yelped and started flailing your arms. You heard a familiar husky laugh and turned to find Vladimir looking at you snickering. Anger flashed in your eyes as you pushed past the prankster and walked off to class.

Vladimir appeared in front of you and held onto your arm. You vanished from the school halls. You suddenly appeared in front of a light brown cottage that was surrounded by flowers. You held your breath as you took in the view. Vladimir smiled to himself as he watched your angered and confused expression turn to happiness and astonishment.

"Why did you take me here?" You asked curiously as you looked into his red eyes. Vladimir shrugged as his boyish smirk grew. It took all of your willpower to not fangirl and hug him. You blushed and turned away, gazing at a fountain in front of you. You couldn't help but wonder why Vladimir brought you here. It wasn't as if you guys hung out or anything. He just would prank you at the most random moments.

"Y/n?" Vladimir asked nervously. You turned around to face him. "Hmm?" You asked as you looked into his eyes. He blushed and scratched his head shyly. "Vould you . . . um . . . be my gi-gir-girlfriend?" He stuttered as he casted his eyes to the ground. You took a few seconds to think about it.

His asking you out was a total surprise-you were so not expecting anyone to ask you that. You remembered how even though he liked to prank you he would always blush when you had him apologize to you or when he showed up to your house to comfort you when your pet died. You let a smile escape your lips and threw your arms around him.

"Of course! But, on one condition. . . ." You told him as you whispered something in his ear. You smiled as you pulled away from his face and gazed into his ruby eyes. You saw him nod his head as he took you back to the school and traveled to another place. He came back wearing a flower costume and went to look for Ivan.

Stifling a laugh you followed him and watched as he walked up to van. "Become one with Mother Russia, da?" He asked shamefully. Ivan looked away from what he was doing and gave him a confused look. He smiled awkwardly as he noticed Vladimir in a sunflower costume. You couldn't help yourself and let out a giggle.

Ivan looked up at you and smiled. "I would love to but it looks like you have a girlfriend." He answered wiggling his eyebrows. Vladimir blushed a deep red and walked over to you. He grabbed your arm and transported to a Halloween store. "What are you doing?" You asked as he dug through the costumes.

"It's my turn now." He answered as he picked up a costume smirking at you. Your eyes widened as you saw the length of it. "Vladimir! I am not going to wear that!" You whispered loudly. Vladimir laughed as he walked up to the counter to purchase it for you. The clerk gave you a dirty look and your face turned a bright red.

You and Vladimir transported back to school and he handed you the costume. You groaned and grabbed it out of his hands as you walked towards the bathroom. You put on the costume and looked into the mirror. The costume was a flirty cop dress with knee high black boots. Your hair went along perfectly with the costume as you studied yourself in the mirror.

The dress was up to your thighs and a blue police cap was placed on your head. The shirt was low cut showing some of your lower neck and the sleeves were cut short. You nervously walked out of the bathroom where Vladimir was waiting. His nose began to bleed as he gawked at you. "You have vegs!" He called as he smiled. You playfully hit him as you pulled down the dress so that you weren't as exposed.

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