Hello its me Draguecia umm this fells wierd and all taking the fact that is me being serious and not goofing around with the Hetalia boys.
But ether way I just wanted to say that if you live/going to come here because of something an that something is a con I'm around to say that I'm going to Comicon 2017 in Puerto Rico and more likely to see me on Saturday cosplaying as 2p Canada or Ciel Phamtomhive still can't decide and wich of the two and then Sunday as ether of both of them.
So if you see someone like that don't be afraid to ask if there draguecia (non taking that is not my real name but my nickname in the internet) and if that's me then I would be glad to say hello to you. So come if your planing go because this is my first time coming too a convection and trust me I would probably be all over the place 😅 walking here and seen some stuff and panels that may interest me, maybe do some blogs and post them on youtube maybe 😅 (they would be my firsts videos)