Not Hetalia but still anime

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So before I got into the Hetalia fandom I am in the Free! fandom. Where we are waiting for a movie to come out because currently is on theaters in Japan but not out to the world.

BUT I'm not only writing this because of that is because I got the time to finally finish the second season which was Free! Eternal Summer. And I cried so much especially when Nagi-san cried in the final episode and later I saw something I would never forget and I shall never delete the photo of Haru-san crying.

Awwwww Haru-san is crying for the first time ahhhww and I'm going to miss them but I shall wait till the movie is released out of Japan but that all

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Awwwww Haru-san is crying for the first time ahhhww and I'm going to miss them but I shall wait till the movie is released out of Japan but that all.

Bye my beautiful anime fans out there!!

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