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On a boat headed for Slateport City

A 17 year old boy with a red hat, jet black hair and auburn eyes started off the ships railing gazing at the waves breaking in the distance, while his partner Pokémon rested on his shoulder.  Ash reached into his jacket unfolded the letter and began to reread it for about the hundred time.

"Dear Mr. Ketchum,
It's been two years since we last saw each other and I'm glad to have been able fight along side you to stop Team Flare from destroying Kalos, however I must call on your aid again. We have recently gotten reports of Team Plasma and Team Rocket infiltrating various parts of Hoenn; since you have tangled with both of these groups before I thought it best to have you provide insight on how they work. I also wanted you too know that we have recently learned of more Pokémon that can mega evolve; I should also tell you that the Hoenn region is having it's Pokémon league this year. I hope to see you soon, sincerely, Steven Stone. P.S. If you wish to challenge the league you will have to battle all the Gyms again and they have improved greatly since you were last here."

Ash just smiled when he finished the letter, the thought of tougher battles made him feel restless and invigorated.

"Get ready Hoenn League Ash Ketchum is back to win it all!" He shouted to the rising sun over the ocean waves. This sudden outburst caused Pikachu to wake up and glare at him for being up so early.

"Hehe sorry buddy, I'm just excited to be back." Pikachu just starred at him giving a look that said, "I'm excited too but even champions need their sleep!"
Knowing that Pikachu was right Ash sighed and began walking back to his bunk, he managed to catch a glimpse of the sun rising over the waves signifying the start of a new adventure. Little did he know a certain someone was looking at the same sunrise with nearly as much enthusiasm as him.

On a plane headed for the Slateport City Airport

A 16 year old girl with honey blonde hair and sapphire blue eyes sat in first class with her Pokémon sleeping beside her when she heard an announcement through the cabin speakers.

"Attention passengers this is your captain speaking we will be arriving at Slateport City shortly. We ask that you kindly return all Pokémon to their poké balls, turn off all electronic devices and faster your seat belts. Thank you for flying Kalos airlines and have a nice day."

After following the pilots requests Serena returned to stared out the plane window at the inky black waves below, thinking over what lead to her coming here. Two years ago Ash had convinced her to follow her dreams of becoming Kalos queen, without him knowing how she felt towards him. At the time she hadn't had the courage to tell him everything, how much she admired and cared for him; she had only been able to tell him about the opportunity Palermo was offering her. Ash had told her she might never get a better chance to learn about performances and that she should take it. His words echoed in her mind, "Don't worry Serena, I'm sure we'll meet again and when we do you'll be Kalos queen and I'll be a Pokémon master!".
She had spent the last two years improving her performances and spreading her smile to the people and Pokémon of Kalos; until a few days ago when Palermo told her there was nothing more she could teach her.

(Flashback a few days)

"I can't teach you much more than this,"  Palermo said to Serena after she had finished her routine,"but there may be another way for you to improve your skills, Pokémon contests".

"I've heard about those, my cousin in Hoenn told me all about them," Serena replied, "From what she's told me they seem to be rather different from performing."

"Yes but they allow trainers to use their Pokémon in ways they hadn't thought of before, I think it would help your career greatly if you were to participate in some of these events."

"Alright I'll do it, but only if I can compete with my cousin

"Excellent I already have your flight booked since I had a feeling you would be going, oh I should also let you know that professor Birch is sponsoring your visa, in exchange for you showing off one of his Pokémon on your journey."

(Return to present)

The thought of exploring a new region and meeting new friends filled her with excitement.
Serena smiled and whispered, "Don't worry Ash I won't give up on my dream until it's over".

On a hidden island near Dewford town

"Boss we've managed to take control over Granite Cave and have begun excavation of the area."  A rocket grunt said.
"Excellent soon we will be one step closer to uncovering the power of the Hoenn region now I must relay this to Giovanni continue with your task until further notice and inform me of any new developments." Ariana commanded before walking off to report to Giovanni.

"Giovanni we have taken control of Granite Cave and---" Ariana started until Giovanni cut her off

"Good work Ariana but I need you too go north and meet with our new business partners, I trust this won't be a problem"

"Yes sir I will get it done!"

With that the call was ended and Ariana began preparations to travel north of Hoenn with no knowledge as to who these business partners were.

What secrets does Hoenn hold, who are these new business partners of Team Rocket and how will this impact our heroes? You'll have to stay tuned to find out, as the journey continues!


Hope you all liked my first attempt at writing and that you enjoyed the chapter. The next chapter doesn't directly feature Ash or Serena but is about the beginning of a journey for two new trainers I made up. Feel free to leave a comment and vote on chapters you liked, thanks. 😄

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