The First Lock Opens

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[Two days before Devon Corp. explosion]
(Granite Cave)

Ariana walked swiftly through the tunnels of Granite Cave. Carrying herself with purpose and poise, she marched down to the entrance of Suecras chamber. The two guards saluted her as she marched into the chamber with Marian and Seraph in tow.

"Well well well. Look who's finally returned. I was starting wonder if you were ever coming back." Suecra mocked from his porcelain prison.

"Nice to see you had so much faith in us." Ariana responded starkly.

"Now now. There's no need to get snippy. I'm sure you have what I asked for."

"Yeah it's right here." Ariana takes her half of Volcanions armor chunk out of her pocket and holds it in front of Suecras vase.

"Hmm. Not much here, but I believe there's enough. Alright, so who's going to be my vessel?"

Ariana, Marian, and Seraph shared a look of unease. "What are you talking about, you never said anything about anyone becoming a vessel. We didn't sign up to be controlled by an ancient talking vase."

"Relax, I have no interest in controlling any of you meat bags. What I meant by vessel is someone to carry around part of my conscious, which would release me from the first cage I've been shoved into."

"So you don't want to control us like some sort of mind controlling parasite?" Seraph asked inquisitively.

"No, and I think you have the role of parasite reversed." Suecra responded sharply.

"Hey who are you calling a parasite!"

"Stand down, Seraph." Ariana ordered flatly.

"Yes, Ma'am." Seraph said bitterly.

"Are you done yet, or do I have to wait another two millennia to get out of here?"

Seraph looked like he was ready to shatter Suecras vase, but contained himself under the supportive gaze of Marian. "Whatever. How does this vessel thing work exactly?"

"Before I explain, I want to know who my vessel is going to be."

The three Team Rocket members exchanged looks, arguing who should become Suecras vessel. Eventually they reached a consensus and Marian stepped forward, ready to accept this new role, when one of the grunts guarding the chamber came floundering in.

"Boss, it's... they just... we have visitors." The grunt said frantically before turning to the entrance. In it stood a man with royal blue hair cut to look like he had cat ears, or devil horns, on his head. He had deep grey pants and turtleneck shirt, with a silver vest covering his torso and accenting a golden G in the center of his chest.

Fanning out behind him were five or six people with bowl cut aqua colored hair and similar white and grey outfits, that used metallic long sleeve shirt in place of the turtleneck. The bowl cut people's appearance also differed from the cat hair mans, in that their vests were inverted from the cat hair mans. Silver sleeves, a black outline and a silver turtleneck with a golden G in the center

The cat hair man strolled into the room, glancing at the walls as if they were the only thing of interest in the room, before coming face to face with Ariana. The two locked eyes and gave each other shark teeth smiles.

"I don't believe we've met before, my names Ariana, I am the second in command for Team Rocket. Who, might I ask, are you?"

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Ariana. My name is Saturn, I am the current leader of Team Galactic."

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