A Swanky Street Side Smackdown

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The girls were still frozen in shock by the sudden shift in events, as their would be kidnappers strolled ever closer to them. They wore their fear in the face of the immediate danger broadly upon their shoulders; and yet hidden from the world, behind a veil of feminine frailty was a burning determination to remain free; or at the very least cause their abductors some serious pain.

The girls shifted a step backwards, to the two ape like men with the rope it looked like they were shrinking away from them. A primordial feeling of male superiority over the cowering girls enveloped the simple minded mens thoughts and compelled them forward, springing the obvious trap. The girls hadn't been retreating, but rather positioning themselves so they could take off as swiftly as their legs would allow them.

Their ploy had been so obvious that they, and the cloaked woman, all assumed no one could possibly fall for it. The two rope wielding buffoons had fallen for it and each was paid a well placed kick to the gut followed by two fists between their eyes. The girls had struck so quickly and violently that both men were unconscious before they hit the floor.

Dena took a moment to appreciate the brief martial arts class she had taken, and how idiotic those men were, while Aura and Diana nursed their punching hands. Across from them the woman was muttering curses at her men for their incompetence and pulled out three Poké Balls. Dena had a sudden stone form in the pit of her stomach; two moronic men she could handle, but three (no doubtably) well trained Pokémon were a bit out of her league.

The woman tossed up the Poké Balls and released two purple felines and pink humanoid Pokémon. The cats were of the Delcatty species, felines with large purple ears joined at the top of their heads and a purple collar and tail to match; the remainder of their bodies were covered in a pale yellow fur that complimented their deep black eyes.

The humanoid Pokémon had an odd three loop pink hat on its head and a matching pair of baggy pants that ended in a V cut just above its waist. A few yellow circles accented the center of its forehead and two decorated its knees and pants tops. The remaining parts of its body were covered in a pale milky skin, affiliating it with the Medicham line of Pokémon.

The three Pokémon would normally be considered as fairly peaceful and tame creatures. These three however looked as if they had been pulled out of a war. They had hardened eyes that had no doubtably seen so carnage, and had decided to set themselves upon the three girls.

The girls took a step towards the wall, this time in a true retreat, away from the three frightening Pokémon that were encroaching slowly on their ever shrinking perimeter. When the girls were practically pressed against the wall the three Pokémon moved in to take them out. Diana and Aura clasp hands with Dena and closed their eyes, as they prepared for the impending blows to strike them.

A second passed, but to Dena the brief span of time it felt like an eternity. She was unable to look away from the pain preparing to greet her, with a glowing blue fist from the enemies Medicham. Three-hundred milliseconds had already passed and Dena had already taken in most of her surroundings.

Thanks to the fight and level of fright a plethora of adrenaline was pumping through her veins, expanding her pupils and making the world all the more visible. With her enhanced eyesight she could notice the tiniest discrepancies between the shades of her assailants furs, the lighter patches were no doubtably earned in brutal combat while the darker parts, which were few and far between, had remained unscathed.

Dena could also approximate the distance and time it would take for one object to reach another with almost infallible accuracy. She could tell that it would take seven seconds for the cloaked woman to move onto her position, two seconds for them to hit the floor and four-hundred milliseconds for Medicham to knock her upside the head.

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