A Rude Awakening

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Something woke her up, what it was she didn't know all she knew was that she was awake. Blinking her eyes a few times she managed to see her alarm clock through the darkness; the time read 2:20 AM. Figuring she might as well do something now that she was up Serena tried to rise only to feel a weight on her midsection just below her chest. Looking down she saw an arm draped across her ribs. Confused she carefully rolled over and saw the sleeping face of her crush a few inches from her own.

A bundle of emotions went through her and she shone a red so bright Rudolf would have a run for his money. Unable to contain all her emotions she let out a quick and panicked, "Eeep!", that caused Ash to stir in his sleep.

Covering her mouth Serena waited for Ash to wake up, but he just went back to his soft steady breathing. Serena breathed a sigh of relief and stared at Ash's sleeping face taking in every detail. She watched as his face relaxed into a slight frown, signifying the deep slumber he was in.

She listened to every breath he took, each one strong and comforting; soon enough they were lulling her back to sleep. As her eye lids grew heavy once more she moved in closer and rested her head against Ash's chest, where the slow and steady beating of his heart added to her comfort.

Still deep asleep, Ash smiled as his subconscious recognized Serena's familiar scent and pulled her in closer. In less than a minute they were both sound asleep; their breathing coalescing with each other to form a symphony of peace within the night.

They slept this way until Pikachu got up at 6:00. Recently he had gotten used to waking up this early to train with Ash. Walking over to his trainers bed and looking up Pikachu could barely see the silhouette of Ash's body. The electric mouse began to call for Ash to get up but to no avail. Resorting to the usual technique Pikachu fired off a small thunderbolt.

The electricity did the trick but due to the close proximity to Ash, Serena also got electrocuted. Both trainers fell on to the floor on opposite sides of the bed. Pikachu seeing that he also zapped Serena ran over to her to make sure she was alright.

"Gaah, good morning to you too Pikachu!" A sarcastic Ash said.

"Pika!" Pikachu said while shaking Serena who eventually groaned and got up off the floor.

"Heh? Oh Serena are you alright; did Pikachu electrocute you too?" Ash asked with concern and completely clueless as to what occurred just a few hours ago.

"Yeah he did, but I'm okay. I've just never been shocked by Pikachu before that's all." Serena said while petting Pikachu's head to let him know she forgave him.

"Well as long as you're alright... Cal and I were thinking about doing some of the stuff Nurse Joy recommended yesterday; while you and Dena get ready for your contest." Ash said while walking towards the open balcony doors.

Serena wasn't paying attention though because she was deep in thought. She was thinking about the events of this morning and deciding whether it actually happened or if it was just a pleasant dream. The sound of Ash closing the balcony doors snapped Serena out of her thoughts.

"Who left the balcony doors open?" Ash asked as he walked towards the exit. "Eh, at least it didn't wake anyone up last night."

Serena started at the balcony with disbelief realizing that what had happened wasn't just a dream and that Ash had actually held her like that. Giddy with joy Serena didn't notice that Ash was trying to get her attention until he called her name a second time.


"Huh? Yes what is it Ash?"

"I was just wondering what you had planned for your contest performance today." Ash said inquisitively.

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