Chapter 18

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I don't even recognize the main hall when I walk in.

Despite the fact that the staff of the castle had barely 12 hours to prepare the castle for Mason's coronation, everything looks exactly like it is meant for a future king. The walls are draped in Terrian banners and the floor has polished wood as a long purple carpet stretched as a walkway from the double doors to the two resting thrones where the crown was settled on a cushion atop a pedestal. There is also a television screen behind it showing a picture of a very kingly looking Mason.

It is all so grand and lavish that I immediately feel relieved that I opted out of wearing the dress Mason picked out for me and decided to wear the guard uniform instead. If I had chosen to wear the dress I'm sure I would have stuck out like a sore thumb.

As the guests filter in I plaster a fake smile on my face, keeping my eyes trained, sweeping across the room for any last minute signs of Jack or disruption. I fail to see any and by the time most of the guests have entered the room, I am slightly relaxed.

But I become timid at the sight of Kane. Despite the fact that we both barely got any sleep, Kane looks infinitely better than me with no dark circles to be seen and his uniform crisp and clean. As always, he was the picture of professionalism.

His eyes train on me suddenly and my body stills. Ever since Jack invaded the castle last night I have been jumpy and tense, scared that at any moment he would swoop in and Mason's head would be in his hands. The simple thought made my stomach churn.

Kane makes his way towards me but is stopped by an obstacle in his way. This obstacle was wearing a fluffy blue dress.

"My my, look at the hot piece of man in front of me" she sighs in a high voice. "Surly you could spare a minute and share a dance with me?".

Kane twists what looks like the most forced smile on his face. "Alas, my duty is to protect the future king and his guests, not to entertain the noble girls when they get tipsy".

And with a look of smugness, Kane turns away from the offended but clearly intoxicated girl and heads towards me.

"Would you look at that, the commander of the prince's guards just turned down a rich girl's request" I state, raising my brows at him.

Kane dismisses the action with a wave of his hand. "They're all the same, those rich high ranked girls. They are tired of listening to their parents about proper etiquette and every now and then, with the help of alcohol, get the notion in heir head that a fling with the mysterious guard would be a perfect way to get back at their parents for hell knows what".

"Really? You think of yourself as the mysterious type?" I ask, shaking my head. "You strike me more as brooding".

The slight sign of a smirk appears on his face. "How about we debate about what type of category I fall in later? Right now Mason wants to see you and if you want him becoming coronated anytime soon I suggest you hurry".

At the thought of Mason freaking out I give Kane a quick nod and head towards the doors.

I know exactly where Mason is and use the shortcut to his bedroom, the path we used on the first night I met him to escape Jack.

Oh, how things have changed.

The guards blocking his door immediately let me through as I open the door to reveal a pacing Mason.

He is in a luxurious robe, looking just like a prince that is about to be coronated should look. The only thing off was his hair that was disheveled by him running his hands through it.

"You know Martha would kill you if she saw you ruining the hairstyle she spent an hour working on this morning" I call out, causing Mason to whip around towards me.

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