Chapter 7

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A/N: WOAH LOOK IM ACTUALLY CONTINUING THIS. Sorry for the incredibly long wait but I'm glad I decided to pick this back up and continue writing it after so long, but you know what sucks? Ur mom. (I'm so sorry, that joke is terrible) No, what sucks is that I had this whole chapter and a few after planned out and since I took the world's longest break (I think it was like half a year) I HAVE NO MEMORY OF WHAT I WAS GOING TO WRITE. Whatever I'm still going to try. And another note if you've been reading this story before this chapter's release you might've remembered the chapters having names. Well guess what? I hate naming chapters, so now they don't. Also the previous apology chapter will be deleted too. Without further ado, enjoy the next chapter~

Another boring day passed. It was always the same for Touka, wake up, serve people coffee, and then sit around bored in her apartment. The only thing she had to look forward to was meeting up with Kaneki every night. She loved spending time with him but it was always so late at night and out in the middle of no where. She was grateful for what she had but wished he could just come back to Anteiku already and they could spend everyday together. Touka suddenly remembered that this time Kaneki was supposed to meet her at her apartment, rather than outside where they normally met. The thought made her face heat up and she felt nervous. She thought it almost felt wrong inviting him over so late at night when they would be totally alone. "What if he does weird things to me?" Touka thought, "No, Kaneki's not that kind of person.. Well I mean, he probably would if I wanted him to. What? Shut up!! He doesn't even like me like that so I don't need to worry."  She buried her hands in her face in embarrassment at her own thoughts. 

Touka was about to leave to go meet Kaneki but now that she had remembered he was coming to her apartment she was now waiting around for him to show up, which was supposed to be any minute now. A few minutes passed and there was a knock at the door. Touka stood up and went to open it. As expected, she was greeted with Kaneki's smiling face. Just seeing him, she could feel her heart rate increase. "Hey Touka," Kaneki smiled with a small wave.

"W-what are you so happy about?" Touka looked away and grumbled, blushing.

Kaneki rolled his eyes but still smiled, "It's just good to see you again, and in a much nicer place too." He hugged Touka quickly and he felt her freeze up. "What's wrong?"

"I'm just-" Touka stopped herself, "Nervous, am I seriously about to say that to him..? Idiot." She took a deep breath and tried to calm herself. "It's nothing, don't worry about it. Why don't you come in?" She said while opening the door wider and stepping aside.

"Alright." He walked in and sat down on her couch while Touka quickly followed. "So.. How have you been?" Touka asked, trying to make small talk hoping she could relax but it was so hard with Kaneki sitting right next to her. 

"I've been good, how about you?" Kaneki replied.

"I'm good too."

"That's nice."

Silence. Neither one of them knew what to say, it was usually so easy for them to talk but now they, for some reason, couldn't. They quietly sat beside each other, looking off in separate directions. It was almost uncomfortable.  "Alright this is it, I should do it now." Kaneki thought, "I have to tell her how I feel." He hesitated for a moment. He was pretty confident thinking about telling her yesterday but now that he had to actually do it it seemed much harder.  "Touka-chan?" "Here we go.."

"What is it?" Touka turned her gaze towards Kaneki, happy he was finally breaking the silence.

"I, uh." Kaneki paused, he could feel his heart racing and he thought his face must've looked bright red. "I want to tell you something.."

"Oh god." Touka instantly assumed the worst, he sounded so hesitant. There were so many terrible things he could have to say, but she managed to choke out a reply. "Y-yeah?"

"Touka I.. I really like you." Kaneki confessed and turned his head away squeezing his eyes shut tightly, not wanting to see her reaction.

"What? What did he just say..? He likes me? Is he serious?" Touka's heart beat jumped insanely fast. She was so surprised hearing him say it that she almost didn't believe it. "Y.. You do?"

Kaneki couldn't tell whether that was a good or a bad response but he turned back towards Touka and looked her in the eyes. She could see all the emotion and sincerity in his eyes. He couldn't hold his gaze for more than a second and quickly looked down in embarrassment.  "U-um.. Yeah.. I really do."

Touka was shocked "No way no way! How am I supposed to react to that?!"  "Kaneki.." She did the first thing she thought of and wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him compassionately. "I like you too."

Relief. It flooded through Kaneki and then great joy upon hearing those words. He returned her hug tightly and they remained quiet for a moment. "I'm so happy to hear that." Kaneki said softly and pulled back from the hug. 

Touka smiled shyly at him and he raised his hand and tilted her head up a bit with his three middle fingers and lightly pulled her face towards his. Touka could feel her heart racing and she blushed as she realized what he was doing but there was no way she was going to stop him.  Kaneki leaned closer to Touka and kissed her gently. She kissed him back and they both savored the sweet moment between them. Everything felt so perfect.

Kaneki broke away after what felt like a long time but was really only a few seconds. He wanted to lean forward and kiss her again and again but he decided he shouldn't and put his hand back down. They both backed away from each other slightly, not knowing what to say, but Touka scooted her hand over to Kaneki's and he grabbed hers and moved a little closer to her. They sat closely in silence for a few moments with their shoulders pressed together leaning against each other. Kaneki lightly squeezed Touka's hand in his and tried to think of something to say. "That.. was nice." Was all he could manage in a quiet voice. He was still amazed that Touka felt the same way.

"Y-yeah," Touka agreed but then she took on a more sad tone, "I wish you didn't have to leave. You should stay at Anteiku forever."

Kaneki felt bad "I'll see what I can do to leave Aogiri safely as soon as possible. For now we just have to enjoy every moment we get to spend together." He replied, hoping it was enough to keep her from getting too upset now.

Touka was somewhat satisfied with that answer and sighed in contentment. She tilted her head and rested it on Kaneki's shoulder. "I'm tired." She said softly.

"Maybe I should try to come earlier next time. Do you want me to leave so you can sleep?" Kaneki asked trying to be polite even though it pained him to leave.

"No.. Don't go." Touka murmured in a drowsy voice and held his hand tighter.

Kaneki smiled softly and brushed her hair away from her face with his free hand. "Alright." He replied and kissed her forehead, "I'll stay here. You can fall asleep if you want."

And so she did. Kaneki looked over at Touka's peaceful, sleeping face. To him it was the most beautiful face he had ever seen. Happy with how the day went, Kaneki too started to feel very relaxed and tired and he soon followed Touka into a deep sleep.  

A/N: HA I DID IT. I finally continued this thing. I'm satisfied with this chapter, I hope you all enjoyed it. The story isn't over yet, I'm going to try to keep up with updating it now. I forgot how much fun writing was. Anyway thanks for reading!

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