4- Background

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I can see them dancing as I walk back through to the living room. Typical Holly. She'd dance with anyone, even a total stranger. Oh well she can have him. That means I can actually have my room to myself if he decides to go back with her. I couldn't see her refusing if he asked her. Now don't get me wrong. Me and Holly have been best friends since forever. She's just the complete opposite of me. She has a different boyfriend every week and always has the most drama and the best stories to tell about what she "gets up to" with her different boys. I couldn't be more different. I'm eighteen and I'm pretty sure that I'm the only virgin in this house, including all of the people at the party. Not that I have an issue with that or think that that's a problem. I just don't want to lose it stupidly or with a random person. I hear all of these stories about the girls I know who just did it with a random guy cause they thought it was cool or because they wanted to fit in. I thought that fitting in was stupid. Luckily I didn't have to. Everyone knows Holly and Liam so I don't need to try and fit in. I just let them do the making friends part and tag along like the saddo I am..... oh well. Can't win them all. It just means that everyone knows me because of them and we have house parties every week. Liam updated my wardrobe after finding multiple pairs of sweatpants and baggy T-shirts. I only had to wear black jeans and a dark top for college and when I come home I like to just chill in bed or in front of the TV. Well that was until Liam's parents kicked him out and he became my roommate.

He actually used to be so geeky and was not popular. Than he began working out and ditched the glasses for contacts (not that anyone knows about that). Half of the school thought that he was a new guy after the holidays. I personally think that he looked better as a geek. He was still quite cute and built but just wore shirts that covered him up. He never told me what happened over the holidays that made him change and he always dodged the questions when I asked them so eventually I gave up. I've never told anyone who he was. No one would even notice him anyway. They only knew Liam for who he was now. I was the only one who knew him for who he really was. He wears his glasses when it's just us. It makes me happy that he can be himself around me but I wish he could be himself around everyone else.

Anyway.... Now Liam has limited me to one pair of sweatpants and trainers and the rest are clothes fit for partying. All high heels and mini skirts and dresses. I mean, I don't have any issues with having a couple party outfits but right now I just wanna change into my sweats.

I decide to go upstairs and change into my sweats. I decide not to go back downstairs. Not that I don't want anyone to see me in my joggies, but Liam and Holly would kill me if I "embarrassed them". I reach into my jacket pocket for my phone so I can watch YouTube. Ugh!! I left my phone downstairs on the kitchen side when I went to get food and juice. I need it to watch my videos! I'm sure it'll be fine if I go downstairs and get my phone quickly. No one will even notice me........

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