5 - Humiliation

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I make my way downstairs and head towards the kitchen and see if I can spot Holly or Jamie... I finally see them making out in the corner of the room. They just met! Oh well, typical Holly. I keep walking and suddenly the music stops. Everyone turns to look at me. I look down and see the wire connecting the music to the speakers from Liam's laptop. I must've pulled it out while looking at Holly and Jamie. This wouldn't usually be a huge deal but I currently had no makeup on and looked like I was homeless. I don't think some of them actually recognised me. I see Jamie stop and look up at me with sympathy. I feel myself blush and put my head down and run to the kitchen. I grab my phone and run back upstairs while they laugh and Liam puts the music back on. There's a knock on my door a few minutes later.

"Come in." I sigh as I see Liam and Holly walk in, still laughing and looking like they want to kill me at the same time. Liam is the first to speak. "I would be mad but I think the embarrassment and humiliation is enough." He looks at Holly and they both start laughing again. I shoot them both dirty looks and throw my pillows at them. "If you're just here to laugh at me then you can leave!" Holly runs up to my bed and jumps on me. Liam does the same and I am squished by two bodies. I try to shout at them but I can't breathe. I turn onto my stomach and start kicking and punching them both. Holly is the first to give and falls off the bed. Liam rearranges himself to sit on me . Still can't breathe. "Get off of me fattie!" He laughs and climbs off of me. He lifts his shirt up to reveal his flat stomach. "Fat? Really Soph? That's your best insult?"

"I couldn't think, you were killing me!" He just shakes his head and rolls his eyes. Holly sits up and I can hear her breathe in when she sees Liam.

She's always liked him, for as long as they've known each other but she's never admitted it to him. It's a little obvious though. Liam tries to talk to me about it and asks me to get her to stop but he knows I would never confront her about it. I know he doesn't like her in that way and she knows it too.

Liam notices her staring at him and quickly pulls his shirt back down. She looks disappointed but quickly covers it up with a smile. She stands up and sorts out her hair and outfit. They both start to leave my room. Liam turns around. "I'll call you later when people start to leave... try to change before you come down." They both laugh as I scream at them to get out. I finally go on my phone and watch videos.

I start to hear people leave about an hour later. I check the time on my phone. It's just after one. That's not too bad. At least I can get at least a couple hours before I have to go to college. I change into shorts but leave my shirt on. I wonder if Holly took Jamie home with her. They seemed quite friendly earlier. I make my way downstairs and hear Liam telling everyone to either find a place to sleep or to leave. Most of them head to the cupboard where we keep a bundle of pillows and blankets, just for these types of occasions. I look around and see that Holly and Jamie are still here.

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