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It was Monday and it was time for me to get back into gear. I was walking down the hallway smiling as usual. I look up to see Tom smiling in my direction. I smiled back at him and waved. Of course, he stop me in the hallway. "Good Morning, beautiful." he greeted giving me a small peck on the lips. "Morning to you too. Where are you headed off to?" I asked. "I have a meeting at the court house with a client. Heavy duty work. I imagine your day is going to be loaded with work." "You have no idea. Hopefully Mr. Ruffalo doesn't work himself to hard this week." "Are you up for lunch? My treat as usual." "Ugh, maybe. That's if I get a lunch break." I look over to see Mark walking towards me. His expression was cold and I could sense jealousy. "I'm sorry to interrupt your little conversation here. But, Miss Ross you are needed in the office now." said Mark bluntly. Tom glared at him for a moment yet remained silent. "Yes, Sir." I looked over at Tom and smiled. "I'll see you later." I continued. He takes my hand and kisses it. "Have a pleasant day, Love." he replied and walked away.

Mark grabbed me by my wrist and pulled me into his office. He slams the door shut and yanks me closer to him. "You want to explain to me what the fuck just happened out there between you and that british fag?" exclaimed Mark. His nose was flaring and his narrow eyes stayed lock to mine. I definately can sense his jealousy toward Tom. As for him calling Tom names,  like hell he was getting away with that. "Let go of my wrist Mr. Ruffalo." I demanded with anger in my voice. He let go slowly and stood his ground. "I don't appreciate you disrespecting Mr. Hiddleston that way. He's a very sweet and caring man. We are just friends." "Bullshit! I can smell relationship from a mile away. There is something going on between you two. I see the way he looks at you!" "We are not a couple! Last time I check I'm a grown woman. I can see or be with whoever I want to." "That is so typical. Can't you understand that I want you for myself? I'm in love with you Melony. I just, fuck, I can't stop thinking about you." I stood there silent as I watched him run his fingers through his hair. Mark is in love with me? I walked over to him and crashed my lips against his. I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him closer to me. I felt his powerful tongue against mine causing me to moan during the kiss. I loved him too. I pulled away slowly and looked into his beautiful brown eyes. "Mark, I'm so sorry. There is nothing going on between me and Tom. We are just friends. I care about you." I said. He let out a sigh and gave me a warm smile. "How about you and I have lunch together?" he asked. "Okay." "I love you, Melony. I want you to know that." I nodded my head and kissed him once more.

Ever since Mark confessed his love for me I had seen a change. He's much more happier and doesn't get pissed at me no more. Not even to the other employee's. During lunch, Mark and I talked about this past weekend. Of course, I couldn't tell him about me and Tom's date. So, I lied saying I was visiting family. Although, I couldn't bring myself to stop thinking about Tom. I mean I've always like Mark yet, I couldn't shake the feeling of our future together to be a happy one. I think what I'm feeling for him is strictly sexual. With Tom I definately see a future and a happy one at that. He was so charming and sexy. He listens, makes me laugh, and always found a way to make me feel beautiful. I'm confused.

After work Mark asked me to stay behind a little longer. Instead of talking we ended up having sex which of course was amazing. I left his office and headed down the hallway. I hailed a taxi and headed home. I made it home and went inside. I tossed my keys in the bowl and went upstairs to take a shower. After I had gotten out and dryed myself the door bell rang. Seriously? I put robe on and went downstairs. I looked in the peep hole and it was Tom. I nearly yelped outloud but, I controlled myself. I opened the door and smiled. He stood there in his blue and white stripped PJ's and house slippers. I giggled to myself as I seen how adorable he looked holding a pillow and blanket. "Oh my God, what are you doing here? I wasn't planning a slumber party." I asked laughing. "I planned it myself. I figured you would say yes if I should up like this." he replied. I shook my head and let him inside. "Where are your PJ's?" he asked. I gave him a smirk and pecked his lips. "I'm not wearing any." He cocked an eyebrow and smiled. "Aren't I lucky camper?" "Follow me." I lead upstairs and to my room. "Make yourself at home. I'm going to put my night gown on." "On your bed?" "Yes. It is a slumber party." I was in the bathroom and I slipped on my silk pink night gown. I could see Tom all snuggled up under the covers. I slipped under the covers and laid there next to him. I rested my head on his chest as he held me close. "I'm glad you started this whole slumber party. Your so warm and cuddly. Just like a teddy bear." I said giggling. He chuckled and kissed my forehead. "I felt lonely so I wanted to come over and be with you." I sat up and kissed him. Our kiss was so intense. He hovered over me not breaking the kiss. I ran my fingers through his hair as I felt his tongue explore my mouth. He pulled away and smiled at me. "Goodnight, Melony." He laid back down and I cuddled up next to him. What the fuck just happened? I thought we would have sex. Tom is so respectful. I pray one day we could make love. When he's ready, I'm ready.

***Sorry for the late update. I was so tired yesterday and i had a headache. So, what do you guys think of today's chapter? Vote and comment please.***

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