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"See you at my house?" Angel asked.

"Let's go." I replied. That's a normal thing for me. I always go to Angel's house after school. For one reason is, I can't be left alone or something bad will happen to me like I have mentioned before. How long will it last? I'm not sure... I don't think its permanent but I'm not quite sure how long it will take. I just hope it will be over soon. I love being with Angel, but I hate bad things happening to me.

As we got to Angel's house, she opened the door. She motioned for me to go first, but I shook my head.

"Lady's first." I said

"Your so chivlerous." She smiled. After that she went in first. Then I followed after her, once I got into the house I closed the door behind me

"Alright Jet since I know you cant have things that arnt liquid. I got a surprise for you, hun." Angel said

She left for a few minutes, then she came back shortly. From what it looks like, she had a coconute out and other ingrediants.

"Darling, what are you making exactly?" I asked her.

"That's cheating trying to figure out the surprise."

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