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Then she turned around and started playing around too.

"It's possible. What's her name?" Angel asked

"Sadie Treemont." I replied. At that point, Angel slapped me on the arm.

"I'm just joking Ang." I chuckled

"I know. However if you say a different girl's name is your girlfriend, I'll break up with you." Angel said.

"Really?" I wondered.

"No. Your too cute for me to break up with. I wouldn't know how I could ever manage that." Angel smiled.

"That's funny. I couldn't even manage that." I also smiled. I don't know why buy everytime I am with Angel, I can't help but smile when I'm around her. After we had our little acting game we started walking. I was having a craving for soda for some reason so I went to the vending machines. I put 1.25 for a ginger ale drink (my most second favorite drink.Guaraná *which is a brazilian drink* would be my first) A minute later, the drink came out from the bottom.

"Ang, do you want any soda?" I asked her

"Just a root beer I guess." She replied. I got out another money and got a root beer for Angel. A minute later the root beer came out from the bottom of the vendine machine. I took it out and gave Angel's soda to her. (Go to page 82)

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