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His name was Dr. Damone (Prounounced day-mon-e). He asked my mom a lot of questions to try and understand my condition. After the results came, Dr. Damone told my mom that I had 2 disorders. One was something called Aspergers and the other, I can't remember the name.

But Dr. Damone mentioned that it's a rare disorder that any time I eat something that's not liquid, I will go into shock everytime. Dr. Damone suggested I eat things from liquid. I didn't like it at first, but took me awhile to get used to it. It was weird though, I ate Chinese food not too long ago and I feel fine now... I wonder why.

I finished the liquid drink, and I told mom goodbye. I headed out to walk with Angel. When I reached Angel's house, I knocked on the door. A minute later Angel's mom answered it.

"Oh hey Jet. Angel will be with you in a minute. Wont you come in?" she asked

"Thank your Mrs. Summers." I said.

"You know Jet, the thing I like about you is is your always chivlerous and a lot of etiquette." she commented.

"Thank you Mrs. Summers." I said again.

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