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The pic above is what it looks like when the gun is fired. Just the gun. Naruto does not belong to me nor do the pictures and videos I use.

On my way home I still have my gun I used to kill the masked man. You might ask why I'm killing myself when I haven't gotten to kill the masked man. I'm doing this because the finger prints on the weapon, after they checked didn't match anyone in this state that they had a record of , so it would be impossible to find him. So now you have my reason.

I am almost home, but there's this odd snake. It has white scales with crimson eyes of blood. On its tail there was red spike. Hebi... Hebi means snake... Hebi was my mother's name... all of a sudden, in my head I hear, "you'll escape hell. Run away from it. Run away... From hell..." I will escape? Oh dear voice... why no one can escape hell. The only escape for me would be being able to go to my beloved anime characters. Naruto.

I go home and watch Naruto, fangirling all the way. I want to at least be a bit happy before I die. I'm watching the series over again from ep 1.
That night 11:59
Switching between third person and Hijoshikina

Here we go. Thinks Hijoshikina. She has the gun towards her head with all her belongings next two her. Her phone, ear buds, i pod, katana, and her necklace around her neck. As she waits for the clock to hit twelve, she feels something cold and smooth go around her body. She looked down. It was the snake from earlier. But this time it was about 6 feet long! And it was wrapped around her body. She didn't care though... she was about to kill her self what difference did the snake make? She saw the clock hit twelve. BANG! Hijoshikina shot.
But little did Hijoshikina know, that the snake made the most difference anything in her life ever has...

Sorry I have short chapters but they will get longer, promise!  By the way, plz send me some suggestions. thx

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