Something about Me

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You know, upto six months ago, I wouldn't even have thought about writing stuff, after all, I'm not a writer. I am an artist - not that writers aren't- its just that I am a different kind of artist. I can dream and conjure the most complicated dreams and scenarios in my mind, I can imagine and control entire worlds, entire universes in my mind but when I want to share it with someone else through something... lets just say it doesn't work out.

I, for some reason, find it really hard to come up with my own art... maybe because I don't think that it'll be as awesome as others' (Some part of me still wants to maintain the credibility of my word that my works of art are, in the least, above average) and when I feel as if they might not be up to the mark, I never share any of those...

So I guess you can understand the amount of courage I had to gather when I sat down to write my first book. The inspiration came from my friend's book who had left the story dangling, for the users to finish it the way they wanted. A plot came to mind and soon I had prepared a draft or should I say 3 drafts... the hard part was to decide whether or not I should publish these. I always fear failure, the disappointment that things did not go the way I wanted.

But after thinking about it, I realised that it doesn't really matter whether people like it or not. Different people are born differently and have different tendencies. they I have different choices, different tastes and that is what makes us unique. So, as long as I felt that my work was decent enough (definitely not my best), it didn't matter and after all, constructive critiques always help us improve. No one was Ever born perfect and you cannot hope to be an exception. You get better with time. Now how much time you take depends on whether or not you were made to do that.

If you were made to sing, you'll learn how to, maybe it'll take some time, but eventually you're gonna get there. But if you weren't meant to do something, then no matter how hard you try , you just can't do it, that is, you won't be perfect. Maybe it's just not your thing.

A bit of a pessimistic thought, the above mentioned one. One might argue that nothing is ever impossible unless you believe that it is. Some would say that this is like giving up on a fight that hasn't even started yet. Maybe you're right. Well, at least I hope you are. 'Cause the thought that we aren't able to do something because we weren't meant to just seems like we are giving an excuse for not trying hard enough. It feels as if we are limiting ourselves, unnecessarily. I mean after all, it is us who should get to decide what we're meant to do, right?

Sorry if this is boring (who am I kiddin', of course it is!), but this is why I made this journal. It's like having someone to talk to when you're feeling low, blue, downright depressed or maybe just bored... so thank you for reading this if you somehow made it this far. Do tell me in the comments what you think.

Stay Awesome! :D


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