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*note-this part is dedicated to the person who is clearly my best friend yet.
Caution - strong language ahead.

Nature has many laws. But the most important one of them is that "Nature always maintains a balance. It does not allow extremes."
You'll find plenty of examples of this in your life
- diffusion , pressure difference, etc.
But there is also a philosophical side to this.
Many times in life, you will find your mind at conflict with your heart, your... feelings. Choosing either side would result in a total catastrophe.
The wise thing to do now, is to find that point between them.
You know you have suffered from loss and you miss the person who you fell for. But you also need to get the fact in your head that she wasn't the right one. And you have to let her go.
Now I know you'll be like it's easier for you to say, but I am not asking you to obliviate her, no that is impossible. Remember only the good parts and also the reason why you need to leave her. That is all.
Now you are in a place , in a time that you cannot slow down. The moment you slow down and get hooked up on such things, lost causes, you will get ****** up. Time will **** you up, amigo.
Think about it. This is a  luxury you never really could afford. Learn the lesson and  MOVE ON. 
The sooner you do, the less you suffer.

This may sound harsh. But now is not the time for soft words. This is where you will have to get stubborn. You'll have to learn to take a hit, get back up and move on.

Look, there are always people behind your back, looking out for you. But you'll have to learn to get up yourself. No one can teach you that. We can only provide support. But you gotta do it on your own.

I hope you find this useful.
Now can you please cheer up? You look like pile of sh*t when you're depressed.

Have a good evening.
Stay Awesome, Hail Hydra!

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