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Sorry if there are many misspelling and suchhhh, I didn't have time to edit


We eat dinner with him at 6. My mum and I mostly just eat in the dining area in the kitchen - mostly at half 7, but there is only room for two in the kitchen so we sit at our actual dining table in living room today.

It's so weird. 
Half of me had expected Zayn to attack the food like he hadn't eaten for days, and the other half expected him to not know what a knife and fork is and maybe eat two mouth-fulls .

However, he just sit there acting all normal - he's pretty quiet of course - but like as if he has been here for awhile, while my mum and I try to keep a normal conversation. I guess she's trying not to pressure him into talking so much.

I don't say anything to him at all.


Since it's Saturday, I have plans with Tatiana and a couple of our mutual friends as well. We never know who are coming, but Tati and I never have anything to do so we always hang out Saturdays. We're going out.

- "Maatheew is coming," Tati teases me, combing through her hair with her straightener in front of her big mirror. 

We decided to get ready at her place tonight, avoiding the whole Zayn situation at my place. 

- "Riiight," I say in the same exaggerated tone as her. 

- "Just saying," she adds, twirling her blond hair around her finger doing a mocking face. 

Matthew is our mutual friend Tyler's friend. Basically we kissed a couple of times while under the influence. Nothing big, but Tati absolutely love to torment me with things like that since it's usually her who's almost always kissing some random guy. 

- "You sure are," I say, trying to hold my hand steady enough to apply my liquid eyeliner in front of her other mirror, sitting on the floor with all of the contents of my makeup bag spread out in front of me. 

We always do this before going out. We meet up at either her's or my place, take off all of our make up and then put it back on while drinking a glass of white wine, her playlist playing in the background. 


We're not drunk but sort of just buzzing as we get on the bus on our way to the club, happy to get inside since it has started raining a little bit. 

- "Sophie says they're there in a minute," Tamara says checking our group chat. "They'll wait outside if it's not raining too much," I nod, taking a glance at a group of very dressed up, very drunk girls around the same age as us, a row up to the right.

- "Oh yes," Tati says as she realizes that they are taking group selfies, halfway lying down on the seats. Very goofy group selfies indeed. "Mandatory," she points out, pulling out her phone and snapping a selfie of the two of us for her snapchat story. Mandatory. 

We get out at the 4th stop, barely missing a puddle as we step out. The rain has stopped though but it's still quite cold and windy, the hairs raising on my bare arms and legs. 

- "We should have had more to drink," I grin as Tati shudders as well, trying to use the palms up her hands to warm up her arms.

- "Or like a jacket," she clenches her teeth to keep her lips from trembling, her light hair blowing in the wind. 

We walk for about 3 very long minutes until we reach the night club and see the others standing outside - jackets on - waiting for us. There is Tyler and Sophie and then Matthew and one of his friends apparently who doesn't seem familiar. 

We hug Tyler and Sophie and shake the stranger's really warm hand, reminding me of just how fucking cold I am. Matthew gives me a surprisingly tight hug after a second of awkward doubt.

- "I ordered a table and a bottle, you're welcome," Tyler announces in his own arrogant but charming way, throwing the remanings of his cigarette in a puddle, putting an arm around Sophie. 

- "What's the occasion? I mean, are you well?" Tati asks sarcastically, as we start toward the short line of guys waiting to be checked for ID. He really isn't generally the most generous guy though.

- "Because Tat. It's fucking break," he says just as sarcastically and she pads his shoulder, making Sophie laugh. 

Tyler and Tatiana always had some kind of childish beef going on, always picking at each other slightly. If Tyler wasn't Sophie's boyfriend, I would have thought they were flirting, but it's really more like brotherly banter. 

It's so hot inside as we walk in after getting checked, the warm air so thick with bass and smoke, making my blood return to my limbs again in an instant. 

We walk through the crowd of people standing and waiting to be served at the bar, and to our reserved table. We always go for the one closest - and with the best view of the dance floor. More entertaining that. 

- "What bottle did you even order?" Tati asks Tyler, putting her phone down her clutch as we all take a seat and wait for our bottle. She makes a big deal out of making room next to me for Matthew and his friend.

- "Whiskey," he answers, putting an arm around Sophie. 

- "Ew. With?" she scrunches her nose. She likes to be picky but she drinks anything anyway.

- "Coke," he says as a member of the staff puts down the tray of glasses, straws, ice cubes, coke and our bottle. 


It only took Tati half an hour to single out a guy worthy of her attention, and another half to get the conversation going. Cole or something. Tall, dark hair, olive skin, bad boy vibe - he's exactly the type she goes for. His friend is embarrassingly quiet though and honestly really not my type, so I just sit and sip on my drink for a while, the shots Tati and I took 10 minutes ago starting to make me strangely sleepy but also buzzing at the same time.   

I recognize Matthew's friend up at the bar, and grin to myself as he gives Matthew a little discreet push, making him adjust his white T-shirt and look in my direction. 

He waves me over, probably sensing my boredom all the way from over there. 

- "She's active with the boys, your friend there," Matthew says into my ear followed by a smirk, as I join him and his friend deciding it's time to leave Tati behind. 

- "Mhm," I have to agree, lifting my drink to take another sip. Love her though.

- "This is Pete by the way. Best friend," He nods to his friend to his right. 

- "Not as active with the girls, unfortunately," Pete admits, toasting with me as the bartender hands him a beer. 

I follow along as they agree to go out and get some air, and I smile at the ground as Matthew holds the door for me. 

Surprisingly it's not so cold outside now, or at least with alcohol in my blood it doesn't feel like it.

- "Soo, got any plans for the holiday?" Matthew asks to break the silence, leaning back against the wall, a strand of his dirty blond hair falling down his forehead. The Pete guy gets his phone out, clearly trying not to be in the way.

- "Uhm yeah well, to stay away from home as much as possible to be honest," I answer. "We have a bit of a situation at home at the moment.." I grin as he raises an eyebrow and nods. 

- "Good old family trouble yeah?" 

I almost laugh at that. I might be a bit more than tipsy by now. 

- "Not really though. My mum kind of invited an illegal refugee to stay at our apartment," I say not really knowing why, but again it's probably because I'm a bit drunk. 

- "Serious?" He says his green eyes wide, a small smile playing over his lips. 

- "Completely," I admit, sharing the same smile. "Like she works at an azylum center, but still,"

- "Your mum is not sane is she?" he grins, taking a drink of his beer.

- "Yeah apparently not," I joke back. 


This chapter is literally me and my best friend in the weekends lol :'))

She would kill me if she read this haha

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