19. Expectance

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Okay. I admit I had been a little over dramatic and I shouldn't have done what I did. I knew that my husband had a girlfriend in his past and his behavior had hurt me and I wanted to clarify that thing with him but he was so stubborn, he won't even admit to his own faults and that made me snap. I grew so irritated that I acted as if I was leaving him for good. When in reality it was nothing like that at all.

Yes, I had left there but not because I was mad at my husband, no. That was just a front I had put on so that he understood what pain is and ma was with me on this. I had left because my beloved brother was getting married and what kind of a sister misses her own brother's wedding? Well, not this kind.

It had been fun teasing bhai all the time. I had met Kauthar bhabhi, or bhabs as I had started calling her, when we went to her place to give her the engagement ring and I had liked her immediately. She was so full of life and bubbly and made us feel at home. She blushed obviously when I teased her about bhai but that was only natural.

Bhai had gotten married today, Mashallah, in all the simplicity possible and may Allah bless them. The men were busy having the meals of their lives outside in the living room, the occasion was close family only so there wasn't a crowd, while we women waited patiently for them to finish. Needless to say Shadab was out there while ma and my beloved sister in law--note the sarcasm-- were here with me.

"Has Shadab even tried to talk to you?" Ma whispered once she got the chance to sit beside me. No one knew what had happened before I came home and I had kept it that way. I didn't want a third person mingling and increasing the damage.

"No." I whispered back so that no one overheard us. Ma had told me on the phone all that had taken place after I had left. She had scolded Shadab and he had in return insulted her by saying that ma was always defending me and not him, her own son. So the outcome was that no one was speaking to him now. Nevertheless, it didn't look like he was affected by it much. "How is he?" I asked her.

"How do you think? Allah only knows what's going on in that big head of his. But he has started to pray you know."


"Yes. He isn't regular nor does he pray all five salahs, but it's a start right?"

"Alhamdulillah. Ma that is great news."

"I know. In Sha Allah he will change."

"In Sha Allah."

"Ma, I have to tell you something--" I started.

"Suhad, the men have left, come on let's have dinner." Mom said coming up to us.

"May be later." I told ma as we got up to go have dinner.

"So when's the Walima?" Zarine asked. I stared at her in shock. Since when did she become interested in our mundane lives?

We were all seated together in bhabhi's room after eating to our heart's content and waiting for the return of men's party. Everyone was busy chatting with each other when Zarine's question boomed inside the room and quieted everyone.

"It's two days from now." Mom answered with a smile.

"Oh. I bet it won't be as ostentatious as my brother's."

Everyone just stared at her.

"Zarine!" Ma said from beside mom with a warning in her tone.

"What? I'm just saying. It's the truth anyways. They aren't rich." She said normally as she was discussing which dress was the best.

"That's enough Zarine. Behave yourself!" Ma glared at her to which Zarine just shrugged and gave her attention to her nails.

The environment in the room had gotten tense and no one dared to say anything. Even the air had gone still and the silence was creepy.

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