Chapter 8: Groceries and Crushes

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Chapter 8: Groceries and Crushes

"I promise that this is the only stop we'll take," Jasmine reassured a disgruntled Reese. "We need to get groceries."

My ex-friend groaned. "Fine, but let's make this quick. We're in a big hurry."

"Yeah, we can tell," Faith said, descending the trailer's steps.

"Can I come?" I asked, following her.


"There's nothing to do in the trailer, and you don't want to leave me alone with Reese."

"We certainly can't have you two getting it on the kitchen counter," she smirked, and I wrinkled my nose. "Fine, whatever. Let's go."

"Do you have something against me?" I demanded as we walked into the grocery store together. There were mostly old people around us, so no one freaked when they saw me.

"What makes you say that?" Faith said absently, grabbing a cart. Jasmine and Reese did the same and went in a different direction than us.

"Well, you're not very nice."

"I'm not nice to anyone."

"That won't get you very far in life."

"Right, and kissing your friend's girlfriend will."

"It was an accident!" I exclaimed.

She snorted. "And I'm John Cena. Just shut up and help me."

"Where are Reese and Jasmine?" I asked as we searched the store. I'd much rather be with Faith's pretty friend than with her.

"I don't know. I told you to shut up."

"Make me," I retorted, sticking my tongue out at her.

She did something completely unexpected after that. She grabbed my tongue and yanked me down to her level, which hurt like crazy.

"Shut UP," she growled.

I nodded the best I could with her hand around my tongue, and she finally let go. I moved away from her and wrinkled my nose again. Her hand tasted disgusting.

"Sweet!" she suddenly cried. "Reese's pieces!"

I nearly choked. "Pieces of Reese?"

"Yeah, sure."

She grabbed an orange bag of candy, and I sighed in relief. I thought that she had seen pieces of Reese scattered around the store. Geez, that stupid book really was haunting me.

I decided to play a little joke, and I took a bag of candy from Faith. She opened her mouth to protest, but I interrupted.

"Stay with me, Reese!" I cried, pushing on the bag like I was giving it CPR. "Don't go into the light!"

"What are you doing?" Faith hissed. "People are staring at us!"

"Who would do this to a girl?" I yelled. "Who would cut Reese into little pieces? And SELL them to children! Monsters!"

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