Jaspis Jazuli

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JK I'm not leaving you hanging there. You should know by now that I don't do that. But that was fun.

Anyway, you should not ship this. I have one reason for everyone not to ship them. And that one reason is all I need.

Garnet. Garnet doesn't ship them. Once Garnet doesn't ship something, you know it won't work. 2 reasons, Garnet can tell the future, AND Garnet is the fucking Love Goddess.

She can tell when something will work out. And Garnet clearly states that Jasper and Lapis are NOT good together.
Fusion depends on how much love the two gems feel towards each other. And have you seen Malachite! I mean she is beautiful...but huge and unruly.

The only reason to take from this is that Garnet doesn't ship them. Garnet will approve of ships if they are good, because she is a fucking Love Goddess.

I don't own that

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I don't own that.
Also it's one of my NOTPS.
I give it a


Anyway I know there are some of you that ship it, so I'll give ya one pic that I don't own. Obviously, why would I own it if I don't ship it.

Hi Krazy_Cat

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Hi Krazy_Cat


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