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Yoongi's POV

*Riiiiiiing *Riiiiiiing *

"Yoongi ! Wake up! " I was harshly woken up by a screaming Jin and a flying notebook that landed on my face.

"JIN." I glared at him.

"oops. Sorry grumpy grandpa" Jin retorted showing a peace sign using his left hand.

I slowly stood up and stretched and prepared to go for lunch. 

"Come on, Princess. You're clumsy prince is waiting for you at the canteen" I said giving him a sly smirk. He freaking blushed and nodded. Ugh. Clingy couple =_=
You must be wondering who I am. My name is Min yoongi. I'm 18 and I'm a senior in High School.

Me, Jin and his boyfriend,Namjoon are graduating in 2 months. The three of us are inseparable given the fact that the 3 of us are friends since we were 7. That's pretty much everything you need to know about me. Swag .

Anyways. Both me and Jin are on our way to the canteen to have lunch. Namjoon was absent for our morning classes because he was called for an emergency. So he is now at the cafeteria waiting for us.

"Baby! I missed you ! Are you hungry? What do you want to eat? Do you want me to get your lunch for you,baby?" Namjoon shouted  the moment he saw me and Jin. I looked at him with a "shut up or I'll kill you" look the moment I sat in front of him to shut him up.

"WTF Namjoon, your boyfriend is freaking 18 not 5. He knows what to do" I said while opening the lunch my mom prepared for me.

"Don't mind him Namjoonie babe. He's just jealous that all he does in his life is sleep and sleep and sleep" Jin defended his boyfriend.

I just glared at them and continued eating because I don't give a shit. Don't take it the wrong way. I'm gay and I'm close to both of them. I just can't stand these two clinging to each other too much as if the world will end if one of them lets go.

While the two was eating their food and eating each other's faces alternately, my eyes wandered around the canteen. My gaze then landed in a group of 4 students in a table. I haven't seen these guys before so I was wondering how the hell did they appear in my sight 2 months before the school year ends. One of them who is sporting an orange hair and a slightly longer face but still looks hot as f*ck looks like he was talking to everyone inside the canteen because of how loud he is.The short guy beside him looks cute and hot with a silver hair and an adorable eye smile *not to mention that chubby smol hands* . The other one at the other side of the table also look so adorable with his brown hair and cute bunny smile. But the guy that really caught my attention is the guy beside this bunny guy. He was smiling wide that I almost feel the pain in my jaw just watching him smile widely and WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!!!!?  he has this unique square smile that really strucked me hard. He was also doing weird facial expressions which made him look adorably crazy (if such description exist) whenever the orange haired guy talks about random stuff. I was looking at him intensely with my mouth open until Jin decided to interrupt.

"hey Yoongi!"
" MIN YOOOOOOONGIIIIIIIIII! Your drooling, EW. " I heard him say.


"Namjoon. Never ever say things like that again or I'll cut your freaking thingy and feed it to my neighbor's dog. " I answered him back while glaring. How dare he talk about precious swag like that.

"Y-yes. I'm sorry. " Namjoon nervously answered.

"Let's go now. We'll be late for our classes, if we don't hurry." Jin said changing the mood to save his boyfriend's thingy.

During the class in the afternoon, all I was thinking about was the cute guy I saw during lunch. I was mesmerized with his smile and the way he expresses his emotions was definitely attractive and I admit my gayness couldn't handle it. There's this feeling that I wanted to know him but at the same time I don't. I don't want to be the one to approach him first because I might lose the cool personality I've been showing to everyone and also, I don't have the guts to get close to him.WELL, MIN YOONGI NEVER SHOWS HIS SOFT SIDE.

I looked at Jin and he was already looking at me and he looks like he's trying to read my mind as to what I've been thinking. Well I can't blame him, I am personally shocked at myself because I'm usually asleep in class. But right now, that adorable guy and his smile keeps messing with my mind that I even forgot about sleep AND THIS AIN'T NORMAL.NOTHING CAN EVER SURPASS SLEEP IN MIN YOONGI'S SWAG LIFE. Apparently, that fact is about to lose its validity because someone just made its way to my mind in the middle of the class when it is obviously the best time to sleep.

I let out a sigh and silently hoped I can get to know him although it's obviously not gonna happen.

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