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Yoongi's pov

After the day I saw the guy who never left my mind and his friends at the canteen, same things occurred everyday for almost a month. Every day, I would hurriedly walk to the canteen while dragging the complaining clingy Namjin couple for lunch. I would then look at the usual table where the cute guy and his friends would sit everyday. I would look at him full of adoration while the Namjin couple does their own cheesy thing.

Everyday I would observe him smile and laugh along with his friends. How he scrunches his nose whenever the bunny guy and the shorty would kiss each other. The two seems inseparable just like the two idiots eating each other's faces beside me. Now that I think about it, the bunny guy and the short guy  sort of looked like a more innocent version of my two friends with raging hormones that doesn't seem to calm down at all.  Looking at their table and continuously admiring him while he was happily supporting his friends made me think that maybe he is okay with gays. His friends are obviously gay but I'm still not sure if he's also one.

There's only a month left before I'll leave High School and I just realized that I still don't know the cute guy's name. I was having an internal battle with myself whether I would try to talk to him or just let this all be a part of my memories in high school. I contemplated hard and thought that maybe letting out the side I never wanted to show to everyone now doesn't matter anymore as I'm  about to leave this school anyway. I am aware that there would be a big possibility that after graduation, I would never have the chance to see him again. Sadly.


After many wars and death of unknown characters running through my mind, I finally decided to atleast try to know his name. I mean it's not something bad, right? There's nothing wrong with that, I guess. So I tried to ask my friend who is also a junior like him.

"Hey Sungjaeyaaa!" I called when I saw him in the hallway with his girlfriend, Joy. ( Bbyu couple ) ❤️

"Hyung! What's up? " Sungjae replied. His girlfriend just smiled at me.

" Can I talk to you alone, please? If it's okay. " I asked.

"I'm sorry, Hyung but we really have to go. We made an appointment with a friend and we're already late. Just text me later hyung! You have my number, right? "  Sungjae hurriedly said.

"Oh okay, Talk to you later ! "  I answered while the two of them slowly disappeared in my sight.

I sighed and just shrugged at the current situation. I guess I'm not meant to know him after all.

I was listening to some rap songs when my phone vibrated in my lap. I grabbed it and checked who the hell tried to disturb my swag moment.

From Sungjae:
Hyung! You wanted to talk to me earlier, right? What is it? Spill it, hyung.

To: Sungjae
Okay. So, there's this guy in your batch I'm interested to but I don't know his name. Can you help me my beloved dongsaengieee?

From: Sungjae
Ew, hyung! You sound gross. Where's the swag Min Yoongi? Btw. Can you describe him for me then?

To: Sungjae
Okay. So he has these pretty square smile and blonde hair. And hey kid, if you don't stop talking about my swag, you're dead !!!!

From Sungjae:
That's it? There's a lot of blonde guys in my batch that I know hyung !

To Sungjae:
All I know is that he is adorable, attractive and freaking handsome, okay? Ugh. Nvm. Just tell me the names of those guys you know.

From Sungjae: 
Hyung? What are you up to ? 😶

To Sungjae:
Just freaking do it 😠😠😠


So I search every names Sungjae mentions and checked their Facebook profiles.

I have been searching for an hour but his profile didn't appear yet and Sungjae is running out of names he knows.

From Sungjae:
What about Winwin, hyung?

To Sungjae:
No. And who uses their nicknames as their Facebook name tho. Ugh. But he's cute. Mehehe

From Sungjae:
Oh! Hyung OMG! I didn't mention Kim Taehyung yet , right?

So I ignored his text and just type in Kim Taehyung in the search bar.

Just as I was about to quit, FINALLY! THE CUTE GUY'S PROFILE APPEARED! 😭😭😭
I was literally jumping around my room that people would thing I'm possessed by some wild ghosts.

Kim Taehyung. Just thinking of his name makes my stomach feel wonderfully weird. ❤️

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