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Yoongi's pov

The remaining 1 month of the school year was pretty much spent doing preparations for the upcoming graduation. I was so caught up with many requirements given that I am one of those that would be saying goodbye to this school. Despite me being busy, I still spent a lot of time with my friends especially Jin and Namjoon since they were my best friends we're all gonna be graduating together.

We are currently on our way home. The three of us decided to walk home instead of riding Namjoon's car, and cherish the moments as we are finally graduating in 3 days. 3 freaking days and we would be saying goodbye to our teachers who are constantly complaining about me sleeping in class and Namjin not able to control their hormones during class. But the thing that keeps on bugging me is that there is only 3 days left but I haven't even tried to approach Taehyung. I don't know why I'm feeling nervous just thinking about it, but the lunch breaks I spent staring at him made me attached to the boy. I am always left in awe every single day just by looking at him. I may sound corny but RIP TO MY SWAG SOUL, I'm just a pabo for Taehyung. ^^

While we were talking about funny moments we have experienced in the past years in high school , we heard loud voices screaming at each other. It sounds like two boys in an argument. We followed the voices and found the bunny guy that I came to know as Jungkook and the other guy is no other than Taehyung. Everything went too fast, all I know is that right now, Jungkook is crying and Taehyung is giving him a tight a hug. A FCKING TIGHT HUG! I just stared at them *well more like glaring* and I didn't even notice my hands slowly closing into tight fists. I was feeling weird and hurt just by looking at them. Did I say I'm hurt? YES I AM FREAKING HURT. This just confirms my feeling for him. I just came to the realization that I, MIN SWAG YOONGI, fell in love with a guy who doesn't seem to know me at all. *sigh*

I forgot the fact that I wasn't actually alone until I was called out of my own thoughts by Namjoon.

"Hey Yoongi , What's wrong?"

"Everything is so wrong , Namjoon" I answered while glaring at the 2 boys hugging each other.

Both Jin and Namjoon followed my gaze and gasped.

"DO YOU LIKE ONE OF THEM,YOONGI?!" Both of them asked simultaneously with voices filled with excitement.

"YES YOU HORNY SH*TS! You're so busy eating each other's faces and flirting with each other that you didn't even notice that you're lonely best friend here is falling in love since 2 months ago!" I shouted at both of them. I was so caught up with my raging emotions that I didn't even think of what was coming out of my mouth. I just freaking screamed at my best friends and I just want to cry for being mean at them when all they did was ask.

"You don't have to scream and point out those things, Yoongi. Look , we're sorry that we're so caught up with each other that we didn't notice it. But you don't have to shout and be mad, Yoongs. Maybe you need time to think, bro. We don't want this to get bigger, we know you are just confuse right now. We understand you, Gi. " Namjoon replied after he recovered from the shock I gave to both him and Jin. Jin just nodded beside him, giving me a sympathetic smile.

"I-Im sorry guys. I'm just so confuse that I can't even understand what is happening right now. Let's just talk when I already calmed down. Bye guys." I replied to them and slowly go my own way home while Jin and Namjoon also go the other way.


Taehyung's pov

"Kookie, why are you acting like this. It's just a misunderstanding. Maybe Jimin has an explanation for it. " I said to the crying boy in front of me.

"Hyung, I saw with my own two eyes. Jimin and that bitch was kissing in front of me, Hyung. Isn't that enough proof of him cheating ?! It doesn't even look like he cares, Tae Hyung." Jungkook replied while tears are flowing out of his eyes.

"Look Kookie, nothing will happen with you crying out like that. Come on, let's try talking with Jimin first, okay? I know he loves you so much. He can't do it to you, he just can't." I tried to talk to him and calm him down. I went closer to him and give him a hug. I made it even tighter when I heard him sobbing louder while holding my shirt tightly. We stayed like that until Jungkook calmed down and only small sniffles can be heard. I smiled at him sadly, and ruffled his hair.

"Don't you try cry yourself to sleep tonight, Kookie. Wait until tomorrow and let Jimin explain. Okay Bunny ?"

"Yes, Hyung. Thank you. "

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