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Yoongi pov

It's been 3 days since the school year ended. I am currently sitting in the couch of my room watching a romantic movie which I totally despised. The reason why I am watching it? Well my beautiful friend, Seokjin is holding my kumamon plush toy. He threatened me to watch the movie or he'll destroy my beloved kumamon. Ugh. What. is. life. 

Halfway through the movie, Seokjin is seated at Namjoon's lap while they were making out. YES, M.A.K.I.N.G. O.U.T. Like seriously? They forced me to watch the movie just to see them like this. They are sitting in the same couch as me but they still can't control their horny hormones. Like guys, I'm here!

So instead of complaining about life and these two dorks beside me, I though about Taehyung and came up of something. To get started with my plan, I texted Sungjae immediately.

To Sungjae:

Favorite Dongsaeng! 

From Sungjae:

Yes, Hyung? Just tell me what you want hyung. I know you. You never text me without a hidden motive. ^^

To Suga:

Brat. Okays, remembered the guy I asked you about before.  Do you have his number ? or other ways I can get through him? 

From Sungjae:

Taehyung ? HAHAHAHAHAHA Hyung. I'm such a blessing for you, you should treat me better. I have his number, hyung. 

To Sungjae:

Give it to me, kid.

From Sungjae

I'm not giving it to you. Unless you tell me "SARANGHAE HANDSOME YOOK SUNGJAE ^^ <3"

To Sungjae:

You'll give it or I'll go there right now and kill you ?!

From Sungjae:



"Hello :)"

*message sent*









"But Yoongi, you don't have ovaries, tho." Jin commented the moment he heard me screaming.

Oh, crap. I even forgot I don't have ovaries and these 2 are still in my room. I am now screaming and rolling around my room . I feel too nervous about the fact that I finally tried to talk to Taehyung, even if it's just over the phone.

After about 15 minutes, my phone vibrated. I was hesitant to get it and check who's the one who messaged me at first but I still checked it anyways.  The moment I saw the name that appeared on the screen, I dropped my phone on the floor and  screamed like I have seen a ghost.




"Are you okay, Sweetie?"  I heard my mom raising her voice from downstairs.

"Yes, mom. Don't worry. " I shouted back so she would hear me.


The moment I have recovered from the shock I experienced earlier, I checked my phone again and shiiiiiit, the screen freaking cracked. Nice move, YOONGS. SODAMNNICE  ><

Anyways, I opened Taehyung's message and hurriedly replied.

From: Taehyung
Uhm. Hello. Who is this? :)

To: Taehyung
Oh, my name is Min Yoongi. I'm from the same school as you but I graduated recently.

From: Taehyung
I remembered something! There was a time, I was in the cafeteria and I saw a pen with your name on it. That must be yours. Oh, btw, can I call you "hyung"since you are obviously older than me or is it too fast for me to ask that. ^^

Oh my gosh! Boiii stop being so cute. I can even imagine his face while asking me if he can call me hyung. I. Can't. Contain. My. Feels. Anymoooore 😭😭😭
Okay, so I need to chill so I can atleast talk to him coolly. Phew.

To: Taehyung
Yes, if you saw the word SWAG on the pen together with my name, then it's mine. Haha.
Sure. I like it better if you call me hyung. I feel like we're a bit closer.

From : Taehyung
Then call me Taetae, hyung. My friends call me that. Btw hyung, how do you know me? Where did you get my number?

Aaaaaaawwwwe ! Cute "Taetae" !❤️
What should I reply? Should I tell him the truth? Uhm. Uhm. No, you can't Yoongs. He'll think you're a creep if he'll know you're the guy who kept staring at him. Okay , that's it. I'm gonna say something else. Something that would make me look cool.

To: Taetae ( renamed)
Oh, I got bored and asked Sungjae for someone's number. Then he gave your number to me, and I also checked your fb profile. You're cute.

From: Taetae
Oh, okay hyung. I'm sorry Hyung but I have to do something right now. Nice meeting you Yoongi Hyung. Talk to you later. ^^

AAAAAAAWE. 😞 Conversation's over . Well, atleast it's a good start though. *Taps my own back* Good job, Yoongi. SWAG.


Taehyung's pov

I was lying on my bed thinking of something fun to do because first,it's school break and second, my parents are out of town until next month. I can't call Jimin and Jungkook and asked them over as they told me that they are going on a date today. Moments like this makes me want to atleast have a boyfriend to hang out with me. Ugh, what am I thinking.

You must be wondering why I mentioned Jimin and Jungkookie but didn't call Hoseok instead, well recently he was acting a bit distant and I just don't want to bother him for a while. I don't think it's a good thing for me to call him right now since it looks like he needed some time alone.

Just when I was about to sleep my phone and an unknown number appeared. I was a bit hesitant to reply at first but I felt like it's not that bad and the text was just a simple "Hello".

So I continued to text the guy that I came to know as Min Yoongi. Until I remembered picking up a pen in school with the name same as him. He's older than me since he already graduated just recently. I don't actually know what he looks like or who he is but it feels like he is a good guy and it seems like he's also interesting. Just when I was about to open up a new topic to this guy I've been texting, a heard a knock on the front door. I hurriedly sent a message telling him that I needed to do something and ran fast to see who came to see me.


Hoseok POV

It's now or never. 

*Knock knock


I'm finally back after 9876543210 years! And I'm sorry for this boring update after being absent for months ❤️💕

I am desperately in need of someone to talk to so I hope I'd be able to be friend with you guys! Annyeong!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2017 ⏰

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