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Taehyung's pov

Today is the last day of the school year and I am now sitting at our usual table having lunch with my friends. Hoseokie Hyung keeps talking to me about unicorns and colorful stuff which I undeniably loved. I just laughed at all of the things that comes out of his mouth. This hyung is just definitely funny. Chimchim and Kookie on the other hand, is on the other side of the table teasing each other. They made up earlier when Jimin explained that the girl just confessed to him and kissed him suddenly that he didn't have time to think what's happening . Kookie was being hard to get at first, but eventually melted when Jimin showed him a puppy face which no one can resist. I just smiled at them and asked myself silently,

"When is my lovelife going to bloom? Is it gonna be like the way flowers bloom?"

I just released a sigh and throw away the said thought. Despite not having someone, I still have my friends. I'm so thankful that they are always there when I need them and at the same time I'm also there to listen to them. I just love these dorks, and I'm proud to say that I'm one of them and obviously a dork also.

I looked around and my eyes suddenly landed to a pen near my foot. I picked it up and asked "What is your name, Mr. Pen?"

I heard Hoseok laughing beside me when I said that but I actually don't know why. I was just genuinely curious as to what its name and I just don't get what's so funny about that. I ignored Hoseok and looked at the pen and saw the name of the owner on it. "Min Yoongi SWAG", I read out loud. I looked around the canteen and noticed someone staring at me, I avoided his gaze as if I haven't seen him and continued talking to my friends while swaying the pen left to right .


Hoseok's pov

I love the way he smiles at the things I say. I love the way my favorite person shows his unique square smile in front of me. I'm happy to know that I'm one of those people who makes you smile and laugh geniunely, Taetae.


Yoongi's pov

This would be the last day that I can stare at Taehyung . I was staring at him as if he would melt because I just can't get enough of him. I just wanted to savor this very moment and make it last in my mind as long as possible. I would definitely miss those beautiful smile, his perfectly formed nose, his hair and the way it bounces as he moves. I will miss every single part of him.

I saw Jungkook and Jimin flirting on the same table as Taehyung . Just knowing that both of them are together made me feel relieved. Relieved because I felt assured that Taehyung and Bunny are just friends and nothing more than that. And at the same time, I secretly ship those two. OKAY OKAY. DON'T YOU EVER MENTION THAT TO ANYONE OR IT WOULD BE THE END OF MY HAPPY SWAG DAYS. Anyways, so I continued staring at Taehyung without knowing that the pen I was holding fell and rolled near his foot.

I was shocked to see him talking to a pen? yes a freaking pen. what a cutie. ^^ and wait wait wait, IS THAT MY PEEEEEEEN? OMG OMG OMG. Everything became more out of control when I saw his mouth move as if he was saying my name. YES! MY PRECIOUS NAME!!! Just seeing him mention my name even even though he doesn't know me made me smile like an idiot.I felt everything around me stopped when Taehyung's eyes met mine. He then looked down immediately then continued to talk to his friends as if nothing happened. Great Yoongs, you just made yourself look like a creep. Congratulations, Yoongs. SO PROUD, SO FREAKING PROUD. ><

"Yoongi, stop staring. You look like a crazy dog." Namjoon commented.

"Why don't you talk to him Yoongs? He looks approachable though. " Jin added.

"I can't. I don't exactly know why I can't but I feel nervous and stiff when I get close to him." I answered both of them.

"My finally found the one" Namjoon snorted.


To those who would read this story, I'm sorry if this is a fail >3< I don't know if I should finish this or haha NVM ^^

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