Soon after , the day came to an end. I was putting some books back into my locker when I heard some foot steps behind. I turn around and I saw my friend Yuni. A japanese transfer student who became my close friend." Hey Yuni , what's up with your hair?" I said as I pointed to hair. Her long straighthair is now tied up into a messy bun. And now the cute one. " Trust me you don't want to know" She said. I shut my locker and we both stared to walk home. She lives a street next to mine. Despite the fact the hair is in a mess , she managed to pull the look off. Maybe thanks to her small face and petite body. But being the stubborn bitch I am , I pester her to tell me. " Is it that bad?" I asked. " That bad?! THAT BAD?! hazukashii kara i wasenadie (its embarrassing don't make me say it)'' She shouted. Oh it must be very bad. She only speaks japanese to me when she is mad or upset. "Hey , you can tell me. I won't tell anyone. " I said. She sighed. " That devil brother of mine is seriously writing his own death wish. Today morning , in a excuse of waking up , he dump some red paint on top of my head. And on matter how hard i scrub it , the stain is still there." She said as she pointed to her head. I struggle to keep my laughter to myself. Only Tadao , her three year old brother will come out with this. He's a cute but naught 3 year old. " Don't laugh . I swear one day I might be in jail for killing him." She said. " Well when that happens , I will bail you out okay?"I said. Once we reached my house , she said bye and left. I went into the house only to find it silent. I walked around to see where grandma was. When i couldn't find her , I went to the kitchen. That's where I saw a note on the fridge .
Hey sweetie:) Sorry , grandma had to go to to hospital to cover a shift. I made some pasta and it is in the microwave Heat it up and eat okay. I'll be late. Don't stay up late okay.
I sighed. This is quite common . After mum and dad got divorced , Mum remarried. But she didn't want to take care of me. She wanted to focus on her new life. I thought I would be a burden to dad , so I grew up with grandma. She is very nice . Always taking good care of me. But since she works as a nurse , her jobs need her at the oddest times.
After doing homework and watching television , I went to go and take a shower. As i was getting dressed , I heard the front door open and close. Feeling alarmed , I tied a towel around my torso and grab a sharp scissor from the counter. Usually I would be in my shirt and boxers. But I'm not taking any chances. It couldn't have been grandma because she would have shouted " I'm home" .If it was dad the television would have been on. Mum is out of the question. I walked and check almost every single space in the house. No one in the kitchen , living room , grandma room and her bathroom. Even in the basement , not a single soul. Giving up , I went up to my room.
As I open the door , i heard a scream. And instinctively I held the scissor in a defensive motion. "Please don't hurt me." A voice said . The voice belong to Mr. Pretty boy , Dylan. I groan and dropped my hand. '' How did you get in here? And what are you doing here?!" I shouted. " And you better have a good explanation or I'm not responsible for what happens in the next three seconds" I continued . Geez is this guy a stalker ? "Before you kill me , let me talk , I called Yuni and asked her your address. She asked why , I explain to her why. She give your address. And when I ring your doorbell no one answer so I started to searched for a spare key and found one under the doormat and found my way to your room. And by the way that is not a safe way to hide a spare key." He said. In three seconds. "You're the one to talk. You literally broke in. Stalker." I said. " Before you start talking again , I suggest you might want to put on some pants" He said as he pointed to the towel around torso. I quickly shoved him outside and close the door I quickly grabbed a black sweat pants and open the door. " So shall we started studying?" He said as he sat at my study table. I groan. This is gonna be a long night

the deal
Mystery / Thrilleryou made deal with the devil. Six years later he comes to visit you. He need your help...will you do it