Janny p.o.v
The party was not bad. Despite all the drunk, sweaty and turned up people , the rest was pretty okay. Yuni came over and gave me hug. She told me that yesterday after Chad sent her home , they were talking and accidently Chad told her he liked her. And then they both admitted to their crushes. And the rest was history. Well that was she said.(pun intended)
The rest of the party went by with Chad trying not to drink so much with Yuni around , Yuni and I trying to stuff our mouth with a lot of food and jamming to the songs. And Dylan having a chugging contest.
"Hey Yuni."
"Why did Chad throw this party ?"
"Oh that's cause one of Chad cousin is gonna study with us, so to celebrate his arrival, he and Chad throw this party."
"And what did you told your mum before coming here?"
"Ah..well...I told her I was sleeping over at yours..Please don't tell her about this."
"Don't worry I won't . I will let you crash at my place "
"Yay! thanks."
"So who is this cousin?"
"Wait you haven't met him yet? Wait here. I'll go get him."
And with that she disappeared. And again I'm stuck being alone. That was until a dude which I have never seen before came up to me.
"Um...may I help you?"
"Oh sorry. I'm Xavier ."
"I'm Janny . Nice to meet you."
"Same here. Are you a friend of Chad?"
"More like his girlfriend 's friend."
"You mean Yuni? You're her friend?"
"Yep. And you are?"
"I'm Chad's friend"
"I have never seen you before"
"Do you go to party often?"
'' No"
"That's why. I would known about you if you were a party person ."
"Well at least we go to know about each other now."
"That's true. So, do you like the party? Since its your first party."
"Its okay."
"Okay? Why just okay?"
"I'm not much that into drinking and there is a lot of drinks here. Along with drunk people. And its kinda boring after a while."
"Oh so the party is boring?"
"Well not that boring , just after a while the excitement tends to die down."
"So you like exciting parties huh?"
But before I could answer, Yuni came over.
"Janny, I see you have met Xavier."
"Yuni , you know him?"
"Duh. He's Chad cousin , the co-host of this party."
And at this moment , you would have seen the entire colour of my face drained. I just told this dude, the co-host of the party, the cousin of Chad , that this party kinda sucks.
"Xavier , this is the Janny I told you about."
"I know that already Yuni. You were not wrong , she does have a sharp tongue."
"Did she said anything wrong, I'm sorry if she did."
"No no. Don't worry. She was a lovely person that I was chatting with the whole time."
"Okay , you guys carried on the conversation while I go and get you guys some snacks."
And with that , she was gone. Meanwhile , the atmosphere around was very awkward.
"I'm so sorry. I didn't you were the host of the party."
"Its cool. I like it if people are honest."
"So I guess you will be studying with us soon huh?"
"Yep. Can't wait though. Going to the same school with Chad has been my dream. Plus , Dylan has been bugging me to move him with here."
"Oh , you are close with Dylan too?"
"I'm close with both of them. We have grown up together. Up until I had to move away."
"But yeah , I like it here anyways , reminds me of home. "
"Well I guess you should always be happy with whatever you decide in life"
"Yeah I guess. Well I got to go. Chad must be looking for me"
"Sure . I'll see you in school"
And with that I was alone again. Up until , Dylan showed up...with food
"I thought Yuni was getting me food?!"
"Yeah she was..But she's busy Chad if you know what mean"
"Unfortunately I do. Thank you for the visual"
"You wel-oh you were being sacarstic"
"Mhm...Um by any chances , do you happen to know Xavier?"
"Yeah. He's my buddy. Why? Do you know him?"
"Just met him."
"What did you guys talk about? About me?"
"Don't flatter yourself. He told me that you guys grew up together."
"If you wanna the visual , I was very cute. Not much different now."
"Okay..Anyways what time is it?"
"Its just 10.30pm. We still have time ."
"Oh okay."
"Are you okay? You having fun?"
"Yeah don't worry. Now give the food"
Dylan let out a chuckle as we being to eat

the deal
Mystery / Thrilleryou made deal with the devil. Six years later he comes to visit you. He need your help...will you do it