Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Today is the big day, my wolf said to me as I woke up.

The big day indeed. But don't get your hopes up... Who would want us as a mate?

There is nothing wrong with me. Now you, on the other hand, dress like you are in a convent.

My wolf was always criticizing me about my wardrobe and about the fact that I didn't talk to people other than my brother; and why should I? My brother was the only one who looked out for me. He stopped people who teased me; he took care of me when both of our parents died; he was my mother and father, my brother and my best friend. He's my rock, and he's the only reason I stayed and endured the pain. I don't know what he would do if I was to just up and disappear, and I never wanted to find out.

Live his life. Just like everybody else would, my wolf said jokingly. I tuned her out and got up to get dressed.

I walked to my stereo case where all my music was held. I looked around for my iPod but didn't see it. It was supposed to be on the iHome console where I had put it last night. It wasn't on my computer charging so that means there was only one explanation.

Alex, I thought. I sighed knowing that he was the only one who could've had my iPod.

I threw open my door and stalked to his room down the hall. When I got to his door, I could hear music being played, not my music, which mostly consisted of soft rock, pop, R&B, and some rap songs, instead, that horrible underground rap stuff was playing.

I banged on the door screaming his name hoping he could hear me over the music. About a minute later he answered his door with one of his dimpled smiles, the one that melted all the girls' hearts at school. I returned the smile as he pulled me to him and hugged me.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY LIL SIS," he screamed in my ear and over the music.

"Thank you, Alex." I said in his ear holding him as tight as he was holding me. I decided to spare his ear of my screams since I could make him go deaf.

"Your welcome. Hey, why aren't you getting dressed?"

He had finally looked me up and down noticing that I was still in my jammies, while he was in gray Levi jeans and no shirt showing off his stomach and abs. His dark brown hair fell neatly around his ears in curls. It was apparent he had already showered, washed his face and brushed his teeth. His tan skin shone because of the oil he insisted on using. He said it made him super sexy and irresistible. I said it just made washing his clothes a nightmare.

"Well my iPod was missing, and I came to ask you if you had seen it," I asked sweetly knowing that he had it.

"Well, I was going to wait until a little later to give it to you but ugh, fine you wore me down," he said sighing playfully. He walked over to his bed and pulled out a small box wrapped in green paper. Green was my favorite color.

How sweet of him, I thought.

"Here," he said handing me the box.

I took the box and quickly unwrapped it, not caring about the pretty green paper. Inside the already opened box sat a new iPod touch. I pressed the apple button in the middle and it opened to a picture of Alex and me at a beach in California.

It had been the two of us and none of his friends; we had a lot of fun that week. It was one of the happiest moments of my life. I smiled at the memory. I clicked on the music icon and saw that all my music was there. I smiled and looked up at Alex in approval. All my pictures, music and games were on there. I squealed and looked up at Alex, bouncing.

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