Chapter 8

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Get up, my wolf said. This was his 50th try to get me up today. Usually, if a wolf lost his mate, then it would be the other way around but my case was different. I miss her every day.

No, I replied back defiantly. I didn't want to go be around a bunch of happy people when I'm this sad.

I inhaled the scent of the blankets on my bed. They were hers. Alex had decided that the house they had was too big for just him alone so he moved back into the packhouse. I asked if I could have some of her things, and I guess since he felt sorry for me he said yes. I took most of her clothes and her sheets and blankets. Every day when I came home from school my nostrils were filled with the scent of roses and vanilla. Her scent. Her beautiful and desirable scent.

You're going to be late for the graduation ceremony, my wolf said trying to reason with me. 

Lately, nothing but school seemed like a reasonable enough explanation to get me out of bed and around people.

Like I care? Everyone that would cheer for me is either dead or gone.

Months after Nova left my Mom and Dad split. My Dad left and my Mom stayed here with me. Dad said he didn't want to live how he was living anymore. The rumors about my mother cheating on my father weren't true. It was just some cover-up story that my father made to justify his crazy behavior, and mom went along with it. I mean what could she have really done; they were mated already, and I was on the way. She was stuck. I told her she should've just told everyone the truth, but she always claimed the same line. She loved him.

But once he left Mom slowly came out of her shell. She even made friends with some of the other single women in the pack and then only months after that, she died. We still don't know if it's because my father was said to have been killed or if she died of natural causes. I didn't want to know. I wanted to keep hope alive, maybe my father was out there. Even though I did have him for how he treated mother, he was still the only family I had left and I wanted to at least try to make it work.

Knock Knock.

"It's open," I shouted lazily at the door.

Alex pops his head in the door and instantly frowns. I was still laying on my bed in boxers and a beater. I wasn't in the right state to be doing much of anything. He walked over to my closet and picked out some dress clothes being careful not to touch her things, he didn't want a repeat of last time. Alex had become my best friend/brother ever since Nova had left. He had helped me with her leaving and my Mom's death. I'd do anything for him.

"What are you doing man? We're going to be late bro," he said, tossing my clothes on the bed.

"I'm not going, bro."

"What the hell! Why not," he shouted angrily.

"Who is really going to be there for me? And don't say you," I asked calmly.

"I don't know. Just come on, bro. Do it for me. Please?" I sighed. I knew that line was coming, and that's why I just got up and pulled on the clothes that he had lain out.

"Dude, no shower," he said. "You smell foul." His expression was that of disgust.

I just shook my head and stripped the clothes to get in the shower. 

Who was I trying to look good for, I asked myself. 

The only person I wanted was far away somewhere probably forgetting about me. My wolf whimpered slightly at the thought. I tried to ignore the annoying pang in my chest that came every time I thought of her.

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