*Brendon's Point Of View*

I quietly shut Riley's bedroom door. She's been asleep for almost 8 hours total. Everyone's still here, but they're watching movies and eating basically all the food in my kitchen. Sarah went out with a few of her friends about an hour ago, I think they're shopping or doing something of that sort. Dallon walked up, scaring the shit out of me.

"Hey man, chill out. Why're you so on edge?"

"I don't know. It might be Riley.."

"I understand. Just stay calm, she'll be fine. I came to remind you that we have that huge show tomorrow night, in North Carolina? That Rivers invited us to? He texted me earlier, told us to dress up. That means Riley and Sarah too."

"Damn. Riley hates wearing dresses, only when they're gifts."

"I know. Rivers does too. That's why he sent this," Dallon said, pulling out a long bag from behind his back,"He ordered this dress for her to wear. He knew she doesn't like to wear a lot of color, that's why it's a grayish nude color."

He pulled the bag off to reveal a beautiful floor length grayish-nude dress with a lace top.

He pulled the bag off to reveal a beautiful floor length grayish-nude dress with a lace top

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"Dallon, I know she'll love it."

"I know so too. He also sent Sarah one, which is also very stunning."

He walked away and returned with a second bag. I pulled it off to reveal another floor length dress with a lace top, only black.

 I pulled it off to reveal another floor length dress with a lace top, only black

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"Sarah, honey," I called,"Can you come here for a second?"

I watch her walk in from the living room, her eyes lighting up as she sees me.

"Hi, lovely," she said, kissing my cheek.

"Hi baby," I said,"This dress is for you, courtesy of Rivers. He sent it for you to wear it tomorrow night."

Her hand covered her mouth.

"Brendon..," she started,"I was just looking at this dress the other day."

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