iii. lost girl

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iii. lost girl

SHE KNEW SHE HAD TO get up, she had been laying there for more than three days, but she couldn't. It was like her body had stopped working, she just couldn't get her legs to move, no matter how hard she tried.

She couldn't, she couldn't, she couldn't.

Or maybe she just didn't want to. She had been laying there for so long that it was almost comfortable. Or maybe she just got used to the cold ground.

It didn't matter, this was home now.

The cold ground was all she had, all she knew and all she could remember. Who knew what dangers she would have to face once she got up. No, she wasn't going to move.

But you are hungry, was the answer her body gave her, you need food. She shook her head, she didn't need food. She was fine with starving, she was not going to leave her home.

Do you want to die? Her body asked.

"Yes," was all she managed to say, her throat burned, it felt like fire was trying to find his way out.

Fire, fire, fire.

So she got up, slowly. Her body hurt everywhere and she was cold, so cold.

But she had to find water, water to stop the fire, water to feel better.

Water, water, water.

Her legs could barely stop shaking, but she managed to move towards the end of the alley, the end of her home. She promised herself that she would be back soon, she hoped that she could keep her promise.

She knew she couldn't, her body was shaking, her legs could barely hold her and she hadn't eaten in days. She was cold.

She wondered where Hazel was right now, if Hazel was even alive, if she was even real.

She hoped Hazel was real.

She didn't look where she was going, she didn't know. Her legs were moving and she would find water soon, she hoped.

The people looked at her, she didn't understand why, she was just trying to find water.

She had been walking for hours, but she hadn't found water.

Where was she?

She raised her head and looked around, she was surrounded by unknown buildings and people that were looking at her, where was she?

And then she realised,

She was lost.


     ANASTASIA, hazel levesqueWhere stories live. Discover now