Chapter 7

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I pulled away from hameem and went to Idris. He was coughing up blood. I cupped his face as he was starting to pale.

"Idris please stay with me baby please" I cried.

"Move Iraj!" Abu Idris picked up Idris and start running off. I follow behind him.

Abu Idris runs out the dark creepy castle like place. Some of our men come riding up to us with horses. I mount a horse with my brother eshan and Abu Idris mounts a horse with Idris with him. We ride to the nearest city hoping to find a doctor.

"Iraj he will be okay Inshallah" my brother Eshan says trying to reassure me.

"He was dying in his father arms. How would he be okay!?" I yelled crying.

"Have faith in Allah Iraj"

We arrive at a nearby city and Abu Idris takes Idris to the doctor. I hop of the horse and run after Abu Idris. He hands over Idris to the doctor. The take him away through these double doors.

"Iraj stay back!" Abu Idris yells blocking my way to run after Idris.

I stand there startled.

"I want to see him. He's my husband" I say quietly.

"I don't care. He's my son and I'm responsible for him. I want you to stay back and not get in the way understand?" Abu Idris says sternly.

I turn away and head back outside. I sit against the brick building and cry. I hope Idris is okay.


I wake up inside a tent. I look around and my father and Abu Idris and Eshan are eating dates.

"Glad to see you awake. The nurse cleaned you up and tended to your cuts and bruises" Eshan says passing me some water.

"Did I need stitches on my back?" I ask sipping my water.

"Yeah. You lost some blood but not a lot. I guess Reginald tended to your stab after he stabbed you" Eshan says with a low chuckle at the end.

"He didn't stab me. Carmelo did. He stabbed me with a dagger"

"What for?"

"I ran away from him"


"Where are we?"

"In another city that's close to ours. We are just camping here until our city is rebuilt"

"Oh how long would it take?" I ask as I take a date off the plate.

"A while I guess. A lot of things were destroyed" Eshan sighs.

"Is ummi okay?"

"Yeah everyone is still at safety"

"That's good"

"How is idris?"

They stare at me then look away with sadness in their eyes. I put my date down and panic.

"Where is idris?" I ask demanding.

"He's still in surgery" Abu Idris says quietly.

"Why are you all looking like he died?"

"They don't know if he is going to live. He lost a lot of blood" said Eshan.

I storm out the tent and run to the doctor. I could hear Eshan screaming my name. I keep running. I push through the front doors and through the doors I saw the doctors take Idris.

"Take my blood!" I demand.

The doctors looked at me then hook me up to a machine to take some blood. I watch as the blood flow through the tube to Idris arm.

After a while they unhook me from the machine and took me to sit in a room. I was feeling light headed. I lay down and sleep.

Author note: So another great chapter. I do need to edit but not right now. Do you think Idris is going to live or not? Tell me what you think. comment vote fan


Yannabella <3

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