I'M NOT LYING, HYUNG! || knj+jhs

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Age switch: Namjoon is a year older than Hoseok. 

"Jungkook-ah, stop lying to me!" Hoseok groans and hides his face. "I'm not lying Hyung!" He huffs while crossing his arms. "Your big brother doesn't like me!" He shouted with a blush on his cheeks. 

"You're stupid! He likes you a lot!" He retorted. "Jungkook-ah!" Hoseok huffs, crossing his arms like he had done earlier. "It's true!" He began to pout. "That's enough Kook!" He warned, his cheeks heating up more as Namjoon trudges thru the door.

"Hello, Hoseok-ah." He waves to Hoseok, he gives a small wave back to him. "Hi, hyung," He speaks in almost a whisper. "Joon! Hyung says I'm lying!" He glances over at me, his eyes then going back to Namjoon.

Hoseok's cheeks flush more. "Jungkook I swear to god." Hoseok thought.

"What is he saying you're lying about?" Namjoon asks as he plops down next to Hoseok, his arm sprawling out behind him. "He say-" Hoseok quickly cuts him off, ignoring the small groan that comes from Jungkook. 

"I'll be back, excuse me!" He jumps off the sofa and makes his way to the bathroom, his hand fumbles with the lock, sitting down with his head on his knees.

Jungkook was a loud talker, no one could deny that. It was frustrating to hear the 13-year-old started to spill out his secrets.

"Anyway! As I was saying, Hoseok hyung says you don't like him while he likes you!" Jungkook's voice rings in Hoseok's ears, that little shit. "Wait, Hoseok likes me back?" Namjoon's deeper voice rings thru the house. His heart stops, what the hell is going on?

"Hoseok-ah, you can stop hiding in the bathroom!" Namjoon calls out. "I...I'm not hiding!" Lie, that was a lie. Hoseok huffs and unlock the door, before washing his hands, then walking out looking down with blazing hot cheeks.

He sits in the spot he had recently abandoned, only to be lifted up and sat on Namjoon's lap. He hides his cheeks and bites his lip.

Three years later

Namjoon and Hoseok are sitting on the sofa where Namjoon had first heard that Hoseok liked him, Namjoon's hand wrapped protectively around Hoseok's waist. They speak little to no conversation, just enjoying each others presence. That's when his now 16-year-old brother bursts thru the door.

"Hi!" Jungkook waves. "Hey, kiddo," Hoseok waves to him, a smile playing on his face. "Dude, Hoseok, you're looking extra pregnant today," Jungkook states, throwing himself onto the sofa, over Hoseok's and Namjoon's lap. "Thanks, Kook, I love you too." Hoseok smiles at him, as he rubs Hoseok's stomach.

"Alright, get off me," Namjoon then shoves Jungkook onto the hardwood floor, snorting at his brother's pain. "Ow, fuck you too then, I'm not helping you now," Jungkook complains loudly.

Namjoon just rolls his eyes, kicking at Jungkook's arm. "C'mon dumbass, you promised on iron man,"

Hoseok watches as the two exit the room and go into the kitchen, leaving him alone. Hoseok, being nosy as always, waddled over to the door frame of the kitchen, listening in on their conversation. 

"I got the ring today," Namjoon says, sitting at the table with Jungkook following. "You didn't drop or scrape it, did you hyung?" He teasingly asks, only to earn him a punch to the bicep. 

Hoseok's eyes widened peaking his head round the corner, making eyecontact with Jungkook. "Ah-ha! Snooper alert!" He shouts, causing Hoseok to squeal and run- the best he could- back to the sofa.

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