SUGAR, SUGAR || knj+jhs

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Holy fuck, this is my first fic that was going to be on Ao3, this is so old, and I no longer ship Yoonmin nor Vkook, and I no longer like bottom Jimin.

To put it short, Hoseok needed money, and he needed it fast. 

"Hyung, you could always get a Sugar Daddy." Jimin smiled while unlocking his phone.
"A sugar what?" Both Seokjin and Jimin erupt into laughter at Hoseok's confusion, while he stared at them with a blank face. 
"Hoseok-ah, you know that secret job I have?" Jin continued to snort while looking at his dumbfound friend.
"Yeah? O-OH!" Hoseok blushed as he realized what the term "Sugar Daddy" meant, his eyes diverting from Jimin to Jin, his breath hitched as he thought up of an answer. 

"I mean, I guess I can." He shrugged, both Jimin and Jin quickly pulled out their phones. 

"Okay, so I've got a few friends, I know Jimin has had a few Sugar Daddies." 

Jin handed Hoseok his phone first who went thru the pictures. 

"So the one with short brown hair is Kim Namjoon, he knows about you because we talk about you a lot. The one with longer brown hair is Jeon Jungkook, but I think he's already someone's Sugar Daddy- "Hoseok cuts Jin off as he looks at the picture of the Namjoon guy very closely, he attacks his bottom lip with his teeth. 

"I would like to meet up with Namjoon, please?" Jin nods along with Jimin, the shorter of the three takes Hoseok's phone, while typing in Namjoon's phone number into Hoseok's phone. Jin on the other hand was typing away on his phone to whom Hoseok assumed was Namjoon. 

Ping Ping. 

Hoseok's phone went off as it vibrated on his thigh, his hand dives into his pocket fishing out his phone. He flicks on the screen to see a message from "Namjoon"

His eyes scam over the words that read

"Hello, I'm guessing you're the dancing cutie Jin and Jimin have been talking about? I'm Kim Namjoon, but you may call me Namjoon, or anything really. I am currently 24 years old, my favourite hobbies include rapping and surfing the web. I can speak fluent English and I'm awkwardly tall. Please do reply soon -Kim Namjoon." 

Hoseok's fingers absentmindedly typed a message back to his soon to be Sugar Daddy. 

"Hii, I wouldn't call myself cute, but I am a dancer. I am Jung Hoseok, but people usually call me Hobi. My dance name is J-hope, but you don't have to call me either of those names, you can call me Hoseok. I am currently 22 years old, my hobbies include dancing, singing and rapping, I also love dancing to Girl Groups. I can speak a little bit of Chinese, English. I'm tall but not that tall, I'm only taller than Jimin by an inch. –Jung Hoseok. "

Hoseok's thumb hovers over the send button before pressing down, his cheeks heat up as he waits for a reply. 

The three have moved to the sofa, watching random TV shows as their voices talk over the voice actors'. 

"Hyung, what do I exactly do with Namjoon?" Jin chuckles before pinching Hoseok's cheek. 

"Anything he wants to do really." Hoseok nods before snuggling on his two best friends, his eyes drifting shut while listening to the two talk. 

Jimin soon shakes Hoseok's leg, trying to wake him up. 

"Hobi-hyung, you got a text." Jimin says plainly as his eyes redirect to the TV. 

Hoseok reaches out lazily for his phone, letting the bright screen light up his eyes. 

"Ah, well I'll be the judge of your cuteness. When are you able to meet up? We don't have to meet up alone, if it'd make you feel better we could meet up with Jin and Jimin there. Just send me the address and I'll be there. -Kim Namjoon." 

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